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December 25th
California: Los Angeles

"And this one, I drew you and mama." DJ smiled while showing Demetrius his notebook that contained his multiple drawings in it.

After he got acquainted with Demetrius days ago, they pretty much became best friends. All night he showed Demetrius his room and every painting he had ever done. He was sad when Demetrius had to leave the same night but calmed down when he found out he got to see him again today.

Dia took the initiative to tell DJ that Demetrius was 'sick' which is why he had to be there for a few months. Of course DJ didn't like that but he was fine as long as he got to visit and call every once in awhile.

And now, they were seated in the visiting area of the hospital where multiple families and patients sat around the tables. Dia was hesitant because nobody knew Demetrius was DJ's dad. But, now all the nurses knew. And they were all jealous.

Thankfully she didn't lose her job because they hadn't broken any rules. But it was still awkward for her, to say the least, that now everyone knew who Demetrius was and is to her.

"Nigga why my legs goin all the way up my ass?" Demetrius frowned grabbing the notebook from him. DJ began laughing hysterically, almost everything Demetrius said, he found ridiculously funny.

"Demetrius!" Dia scolded from next to him and hit his arm, "DJ that's not funny." she said rolling her eyes but DJ didn't stop laughing.

Demetrius chuckled, enjoying seeing the smile on DJ's face, and hugged him close to his side, "Let my nigga laugh if he wanna laugh." he said

"Why are you always cursing? And stop callin' him a nigga." she frowned

"Hell nah. He my lil nigga, right DJ?" Demetrius held his fist out to dap DJ and they then went through a series of hand movements having made up their own personal handshake.

Dia simply shook her head at the both of them, "I can't believe you got my son being as ghetto as you now." she mumbled

"Hell yeah, wouldn't want him to be soft like his mama," he said and pinched her cheek, but she swatted his hand away "Or soft like punk ass Hakeem." he mumbled afterwards

Dia rolled her eyes because Demetrius always felt the need to talk shit about Hakeem. Hakeem on the other hand had been nothing but kind to Demetrius. Ignoring every one of his smart remarks, simply laughing them off. Demetrius didn't like that, he didn't like not having somebody to fight back, it was annoying.

"Stop it. I'll have you know that Hakeem is really sweet and nice and-" he groaned loudly to cut her off, everytime he said something bad about the guy, she felt the need to defend him. It made him jealous.

"All I hear is a bunch of shit I don't care about. Where is yo lap dog anyway?" Demetrius asked looking around. Hakeem accompanied them because he had to take DJ home after visiting hours were up. It was Christmas, but Dia still had to work, she rarely got vacations now that she was a primary nurse.

"He's outside on a call." Dia answered while folding her arms.

"Word?" Cartier mumbled to himself as his eyes scanned the area to be sure nobody was looking in their area, "DJ close yo eyes for a second." he ordered because he knew kids were snitches and he couldn't risk DJ being confused because of what he was about to do.

DJ did as told, shutting both of his eyes. Demetrius then leaned in and kissed Dia, as he always did nowadays since their kiss in the parking lot. He didn't care if Hakeem was there or not, Dia was his, they both knew it. She just wouldn't admit it yet.

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