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December 5th
California: Los Angeles

Dia stirred, awaking from her deep slumber at the sound of her phone ringing. Before she even opened her eyes, she noticed another body warmth wasn't near her. Opening her eyes completely, Dia adjusted her vision and felt a small pit grow in her stomach after realizing Demetrius had indeed left. She didn't know why knowing he left made her feel bad, because she told him he could leave when he wanted, but she couldn't deny the fact that she missed him.

The conversation they had before they fell asleep with one another was still heavy on her mind. She missed him more than anything because her feelings for him were slowly, but surely returning. He proved last night that he was taking steps to becoming the man she wanted him to be all along. She realized that now, and was highly disappointed that he left without saying anything.

"Hey Calvin." Dia sighed after finally answering her ringing phone.

"What's up? What hotel you at? DJ said he wanna come see you again, he don't want you to be alone." Calvin explained, Dia's lips formed into a small smile hearing that DJ cared. She didn't want to be alone either, but her company had already left.

"I'm at the Ritz Carlton-" before Dia could even finish her sentence, Calvin interrupted her, his tone laced with nothing but shock.

"The motherfuckin' Ritz Carlton?!" he shouted in disbelief. Just like Dia, he expected her to be somewhere smaller, definitely didn't expect a luxury place like the Ritz Carlton. But, it was what Demetrius decided, and he was paying for it so Dia couldn't exactly argue with that.

"Yes." she chuckled and got up from the bed after hearing a knock at her door. Throwing a hoodie over her lingered body, she went to answer the door while still talking to Calvin. "I wanted to go somewhere small, but Carti decided to bring me here. And he paid for it." she said at the same time she opened the door to reveal Cartier who stood there with a two plates of breakfast in his hands along with a jug. The smile on her face grew wider when she realized, he didn't leave. He just went to get her some food.

"You damn right I did. Brag about how I brought you breakfast too." he smiled and winked, walking past her to make his way inside the suite and placed the plates down at the dining table.

"And he just brought me breakfast." Dia sighed contently while watching him straighten everything out. "So of course, I gotta go. But I'll text you my room number Cal and you guys can just come up whenever you get here." Dia assured Calvin. And after he agreed, they said their goodbyes and hung up. Dia made sure to text her room number first, before joining Demetrius in the dining area of her suite.

"I thought you left." she mumbled while taking a seat across from him at the table where her breakfast was. Just simple waffles with some berries on top, sausage, and eggs on the side, and a jug of Simply orange juice for the both of them to drink from. Dia was a little confused by that, but decided not to question it, because she was sure that he probably stole it and hurried upstairs before anyone could see. Which he did.

Demetrius glanced up at her from his plate, as he was already digging in his food and rose and eyebrow. "Without bringing yo fat ass some food first? What kinda person would I be?" he asked, looking at her as if she was crazy. Dia couldn't help the big goofy grin that returned to her face once again. She was so sick of smiling because of him, but couldn't help it. He was just everything and more and didn't even have to do much.

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