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March 11th
California: Los Angeles

Dia's nose twitched as she was sleep, feeling something on her face. Demetrius laughed silently as he tickled her face with his toes. He was bored and she had slept all the way into the afternoon. He didn't even blame her after the eventful moments they had the previous day.

After getting a feel of Dia's insides again, Demetrius couldn't possibly bring himself to stop. It was safe to say, he literally wore Dia out with how many times he fucked her. He didn't give her a break at all whatsoever. He loved the feeling of her, he loved hearing her moans and declarations of love for him, all of it.

He hadn't realized how much he really missed her, and the thought of Keyara never crossed his mind once. Demetrius was all for Dia now and hoped that she felt the same, because if she didn't, he'd have to kill her.

Using his big toe, he brought it up to her eyelid and moved it so her eye was forced to open. Dia stirred and opened her eyes herself, she then yelped seeing his foot in her face. "Demetrius, gross!" she frowned swatting his foot away as he started laughing hysterically.

Dia just rolled her eyes at his childish acts and sat up in the bed. "What time is it?" she asked with a short yawn

"Cover yo mouth morning breath." Demetrius covered his nose mockingly causing her to flick him off as he glanced at his phone to answer her question, "3:35." he answered.

Dia's eyes went wide and she jumped up from the bed, "In the afternoon? Oh God, I have a job interview and I was supposed to get DJ from Nae this morning." she slightly panicked while searching for her undergarments but they were nowhere to be found.

"Where the hell are my underwear?" she asked in frustration, looking around frantically

"In the bathroom still, when is your interview?" Demetrius asked while standing up and placing on his own undergarments along with some shorts.

"It's at 4. I'm not gonna make it." Dia sighed, rushing inside the bathroom and grabbing her clothes and underwear from the floor where they were scattered along with his. As she began to put everything back on, Demetrius joined her in the bathroom and watched her

"You gone make it. Just go home, get ready for your lil interview, and I'll go get DJ from Naomi." he assured Dia paused in the middle of putting her shirt on and looked at him in shock. She had never been more grateful to have him in her life as much as now.

"Thank you so much." she placed her shirt on and went over to hug him tightly, "I love you." she sighed making him smile a little. It was one thing for her to say during sex, but it meant even more when she genuinely said it from her heart.

"I could've sworn you hated me." he teased

Dia chuckled and shrugged, "I did. Only because I was dick deprived." she stated truthfully. It was no hiding that she no longer held animosity towards Demetrius, not even for killing Hakeem. And all she needed was one night with him to easily lead her right back into his arms.

"I swear I'm just a sex toy for you." Demetrius shook his head, walking out the bathroom as she followed.

When they exited the bedroom and headed for the living room, they were both shocked to see the place had been destroyed. His flat screen TV broken and on the ground, his couch cut up and flipped over, picture frames brown, etc. It was a mess and they both knew exactly who did it, it was at that moment that they remembered Keyara was there.

"Now Keyara, I think she's the one that hates you." Dia commented and held herself back from laughing when he glared at her.

"I can't believe this," Demetrius mumbled, "you fucked up my car, she fucked up my house... it's official Riley takes first place in the baby mama race now." he concluded, folding his arms over his chest

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