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August 23rd
California: Los Angeles

"What's good?" August answered his phone after seeing Demetrius was calling.

"What's up man, you home?" Cartier asked, sitting inside his car, across the street from August's house, scoping out the surroundings. The car sitting on the driveway let Demetrius know that he was indeed home, but he just wanted to be sure which is why he asked.

"Yeah, I just heard the news about Dia being in a coma not to long ago." Aug answered back while letting out a harsh breath. Cartier held himself back from laughing, thinking about the predicament Dia was in, and instead let out a huge sigh as well to make it seem like he was also in distress about what happened.

"Yeah, poor thing." Carti tried and failed at acting like he cared. But to his luck, August didn't notice it so he was good, they simply kept conversing.

"How's DJ? Does he know?" Aug asked in concern.

Carti nodded while tapping his fingers against his steering wheel in irritation. He was annoyed and tired of answering questions already, he was just ready for his plan to play out. "Yeah he does, he good though, he feel like she'll wake up soon." Carti said with a short chuckle, confusing August a little as to why he was laughing.

"Uh, that's good. What about you? How you holding up? I know you probably trying to find out who it was that poisoned her. Need my help?" August asked as Cartier tucked his lips inside his mouth at that sentence. Knowing all he had to do was look in a mirror to find out who did that to her.

"Nope. It's too late for all that 'finding people' shit anyway. She's going to die regardless." he shrugged, his words shocking August a bit.

"Cartier, don't think like that man." he replied. He figured the only reason Demetrius was acting the way he was is because he didn't know how to handle the fact that Dia may die. Little did he know, Cartier couldn't care less about her death because he wanted it more than anything.

"She will. It's what she deserves after betraying me." Demetrius said. His shell was now becoming undone, after a month of acting and pretending to be good, Carti was finished. He needed to unleash his crazy.

August removed the phone from his ear and looked at it first before placing it back. Demetrius' words had him utterly confused, and he wasn't sure what to say. "Carti what the hell are you talkin about?" he asked

"Don't worry, your time is coming too." Demetrius said , completely ignoring his question. Smirking to himself as he looked at August's house, a mephistophelian glint, was present in his eyes, one that would terrify anyone who looked at him.

But his words confused his former best friend further. August's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What?" he asked to be sure he heard Demetrius correctly.

"You asking me too many fucking questions. But, I guess I can elaborate for you, since you'll die regardless." Carti mumbled to himself and sighed, leaning back in his seat before explaining himself. "I poisoned Dia yesterday, meaning she should be dead in the next 30 minutes. They said it takes 24 hours for all those organs to shut down and shit. But yeah, she's gonna die."

Cartier said this so nonchalantly, it made the words sound less evil than they were. He was speaking as if he just said something regular, but on the contrary, he dropped a huge bomb that left August in shock. "Cartier... you- you gotta be joking..." August said in disbelief as Carti's words rang through his head over and over. There was just no way he had killed Dia and was acting like it was nothing.

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