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Dia leaned over and tapped Cartier lightly, as he was asleep in a chair in the hospital's waiting room. "Meech." she called out to him. He groaned a little and pushed her hand away causing Dia to sigh. "Wake up, me and DJ need to go find a hotel and you're our only ride." she stated while placing her hands on her hips. It was starting to get late and she didn't want to be at the hospital all night with DJ.

Plus, Naomi wasn't making much progress aside from what she already made, and Dia didn't want to dwell any longer. She was exhausted, all she simply wanted to do was lay down in a comfortable bed and sleep. But Carti was taken aback at her words of a hotel, he immediately sat up in alert, because he already figured she'd be staying with him.

"Hotel?" he frowned and stood, grabbing her hand. "Y'all don't need that, just stay with me." he offered.

Dia scoffed, pulling her hand out of his and folding her arms. He had to have lost his mind if he thought she was going to be staying with the same man she was trying to run away from. "Nice try, but no." she glared.

"Dia-" he started to try and reason with her, but Dia wasn't hearing that.

"I ran away for a reason Cartier. I'm sorry if I don't wanna stay with somebody who tried to kill me and treated my son like trash when I was gone. So if you don't wanna take us to find a hotel? That's fine, we'll Uber it. But you could at least get me my bags from the truck." she said. Demetrius sighed and stared her down as she did the same with him, she was standing her ground and had every right to do so, but couldn't deny that he was annoyed to say the least.

However, if he wanted her to stay, he couldn't fight with her. So just stopped and agreed to her terms. "I'll take y'all to a hotel." he mumbled, placing his hands in his pockets.

"Thank you." she sighed and turned around to look at DJ who was still showing Calvin the sketches he had done on his tracing pad. "DJ let's go!" Dia ordered.

DJ looked at her and then back at Calvin. "I wanna stay with Calvin for the night mama." he admitted a little nervously because he wasn't sure if she'd let him.

Dia rose a brow in curiosity, "Since when?" she asked

DJ shrugged, "Since I found out he has the new Call Of Duty." he smiled making Dia roll her eyes, because of course it was about video games. "And no offense mama, but I think we need time apart." he added on, both Dia and Demetrius were a little surprised by his words.

"What?" Dia chuckled now walking over and kneeling in front of his seated body.

"Space, you know." he indicated it by motioning his hand in the small space between them. "We're together all the time and I know you get stressed with me sometimes." he said. Dia frowned a little, she never wanted DJ to think of himself as a burden. He may have been hard to deal with, but he was still her son, and sometimes that was just a part of parenting.

"DJ-" he pressed his smaller hand against her mouth to cut her off before she tried to apologize or anything, from the look in her eyes, he could already tell she felt bad, because he knew how emotional she could get, but she really had no reason to in his mind.

"It's okay! I'll be fine with Calvin, right Calvin?" he asked and him and Dia both turned their heads to Calvin who nodded.

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