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January 24th
California: Los Angeles

3 A.M. The prison was dead silent, dark, only light visible came from the moonlight shining in the lone window at the ceiling of the closed area. Many women slept peacefully and silently inside their respective cells. All except Diamonté.

She roamed the long hallway, in search for a cell in particular. Blood rushed through her veins at what felt like a fast pace, adrenaline, her murder instinct was bursting in her heart like a punctured balloon. She was on fire, revenge driven and thirsty, hungry even, for blood. All of Demetrius' words echoed through her head, but a specific set of words were on repeat.

"make her pay for what she did, she hurt you." she did hurt her, more than physically, she hurt her emotionally and mentally. Never had Dia thought she would be getting raped by another woman. She had never heard of things like this happening to anyone, but if it happened to her, that meant it probably could be happening to anyone out there. It made her sick.

And as she neared Diamond's cell, she couldn't help but to feel even more angrier and disgusted. But nonetheless, she pulled her handmade shank from her pocket and began to pick the lock to her cell. Diamond was sound asleep, not hearing any of this as Dia made sure to be careful with noise so she wouldn't be caught. It took a few failed tries and multiple long moments, but eventually she got it open.

"That's what I'm talkin' bout." she smirked and opened the cell. The old bars creaking rather loudly making Diamond stir in her sleep. Dia wasn't worried she'd wake up, she'd have to wake up anyway soon because Dia had things to do. She walked over to Diamond's sleeping body and smiled evilly thinking up her plans.

Dia crawled onto Diamond's small bed, waking her a little. Before she knew it, Dia was straddling her waist making Diamond look at her strangely as she squinted through the darkness. "What?" Diamond said in confusion wondering how and why she was seeing Dia.

"I know this may be arousing for you, but it hurts like hell for me considering my pelvis is still sore. So I gotta make this quick." she said, confusing Diamond even more.

As soon as Diamond's mouth opened, Dia grabbed her tongue from inside her mouth. "This is to make sure you don't scream." Dia brought her shank up and forced it down harshly on Diamond's tongue. She gritted her teeth, while slicing deep inside the pink flesh in Diamond's mouth. Diamond almost let out a high pitched scream but the pain she was in only allowed a yell to emit from her throat.

Blood began to leak from her mouth and smear over her chin and Dia's hand. Her tongue flailed a little before completely disconnecting from her mouth and falling on the bed next to her. Diamond's eyes were now filled with tears and they were closed. She was now only whining, the pain was too bad for her to scream or yell.

"Great that means I made it right!" Dia beamed, smiling brightly, loving the sight in front of her. Demetrius told her how to make a shank and she spent all day and night on it, but when it was complete, she wasn't too sure it would be strong enough to cut. But now, she got her confirmation. Dia stared for a minute, just admiring the torture first before she got up from Diamond's lap.

"Now Demetrius told me I should shove my shank up your ass as payback. But that's a little too gross for me." she chuckled while inspecting her blood coated blade. "But he gave other helpful advice too." Dia smirked

She grabbed Diamond's hand in hers and placed it flat on her bed, "Let's see if you ever touch someone again bitch." Dia smiled and brought her shank down harshly so it sliced off all four of her fingers. A loud groaning noise came from Diamond's throat causing Dia to laugh hysterically.

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