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California: Los Angeles

Demetrius sat on Dia's couch, simply staring into nowhere. He had been that way for hours, since he and DJ made it back to her home from the doctor's office and DJ went to rest. After the news the pediatricians gave him, he wasn't sure what to do. His emotions were all over the place, but he had to slightly hold them off for DJ and Dia's sake.

Only God knew what her reaction would be when he broke the news to her so he had to prepare himself. He continuously rehearsed what he would say over and over in his head but nothing seemed right. Regardless of how he said it, she'd more than likely freak out. He just wasn't ready, but he had to get ready because she would be back home at any minute.

And as if on cue, the door to her home opened and Dia burst inside, practically skipping with joy written all over her face. "I got the job!" she exclaimed excitedly seeing him on the couch. Dia ran over to him and hopped inside his lap, hugging him tightly.

"That's good baby." he mumbled, wrapping an arm around her to return her hug. She pulled away, nodding, but kept her arms around his neck.

"It is. I start Monday and it pays even more than the other hospital did, the boss was lenient when it came to hiring me. He gave me the benefit of the doubt regardless of my criminal record. Said something about one mistake not defining me." she shrugged with her same bright smile

Seeing how happy she was made him cringe on the inside. The last thing he wanted to do was to ruin her good mood, but what he had to say, wasn't something he could hide from her. "That's cool." he answered simply

Dia rose her eyebrows, a little and tilted her head. "So where's DJ? Did you pick him up?" she asked

Demetrius nodded, "Sleep." he answered simply making Dia frown. She didn't like how he kept giving her one word statements and answers. She leaned back in his lap to fully view his face, trying to read his emotions through his eyes. But as usual, it was difficult for her to, so she simply asked him.

"Demetrius is something wrong?" he sighed, tucking his lips in to his mouth. He had to tell her and he had to tell her at that moment. So, he nodded to answer her question and her frown got even deeper.

"Well, what is it? Did I do someth-" he immediately shook his head no

"I'm not mad at you, you ain't do shit Dia, I just have something to tell you. It's important but I don't know how. You so happy right now, and this shit-" he cut himself off with a deep sigh, closing his eyes.

Now Dia was getting scared, her eyes darted around his face trying to figure out what he was talking about. She'd only been gone for four hours, there was nothing that could've gone wrong that fast. At least she thought. "Whatever it is, I can handle it, please just tell me, you're scaring me." she almost whispered.

Demetrius took a deep breath and placed his hands on her waist to bring her at least a little bit of comfort before he broke the news. "D, listen, it's about DJ." he said

Dia's heart began to pound rapidly, "W- what about him?" she asked nervously.

Demetrius cleared his throat, "I took him to the doctor today, remember we said we noticed he been acting differently and the fevers?" Dia nodded so he continued explaining. "Earlier, Nae said he had random bruises on him so I definitely had to take him then." Dia's eyes went wide at his confession.

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