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July 15th
California: Sacramento

"Did I do the right thing Naomi?" Dia questioned herself for what felt like the millionth time in the past two months. Demetrius and Dia hadn't talked since their argument outside the hospital. She continously gave him the silent treatment, no matter how much he tried to communicate with her.

The only way they communicated was over text, exactly like she ordered him to do. Even if they were in DJ's hospital room together, no words were spoken between the two, just multiple text messages. At first, Cartier tried to break her out of her silent treatment phase, but it didn't work. Dia was standing her ground with him for the first time ever and she was surpised it even lasted this long.

"Of course you did the right thing, why are you always questioning that?" Nae asked, turning her head to look up at Dia as she laid down in her lap on the couch while they watched TV together.

Dia shrugged while wrapping Nae's curls around her finger one by one, "I just feel like I hurt his feelings you know?" she mumbled. Dia knew she was doing the right thing, but as the days went on, something in her heart always felt like she was being too harsh. She knew she had every right to act the way that she acted towards him, but it didn't stop her from feeling bad every once in awhile.

Nae groaned, "That's your problem, you care too much about his feelings and he doesn't care enough about yours. Stop always trying baby him, he's a grown man Dia. If you hurt him then, too bad so sad. He hurt you first. His big head ass will get over it, seem like he already has especially since he got back with Keyara." she reminded Dia.

Demetrius got back with Keyara the day after Dia declared she was done with him. He didn't want to be with Key, he just wanted to make Dia jealous again, but she wasn't. She didn't care that they were dating, Keyara was stupid for taking him back in her opinion. The only thing she was irritated about, is that she is who Demetrius decided to be with while DJ was dying.

"You're right." Dia said, rolling her eyes. "Fuck him and his feelings. Leaving my son high and dry for that bitch." she said bitterly.

Everytime she thought about it, she got angry. No matter how long ago it was, it was still more than foul for him to do. And as a man who claimed to share a love for all kids, it seemed that all disappeared when it came to hers.

"That's the spirit." Naomi smiled, patting Dia's thigh and sat up from her lap. "You going to Ariel's birthday party they throwing today?" she asked but honestly already knew the answer from the facial expression Dia gave her.

"No. I'm dropping DJ off because he was invited, and Demetrius is keeping him over the weekend. But after that, I'm definitely not staying." she already planned it out in her head. Dia wanted to be there because all her loved ones would be. But since the party was being hosted by two people she hated, it definitely wasn't a good idea for her to go.

"DJ? Are you sure it's safe for him to go to parties?" Naomi asked, raising an eyebrow. Dia nodded her head before fully answering Nae's question.

"Yeah, he just started going back to places he likes this week, the park, the mall, and he's been good, so I think everything will be fine." she shrugged.

DJ had been discharged from the hospital earlier in the month, as his health was improving. He still had Lukemia, so of course it was still required for him to take medication and do multiple check ups at the doctor several times a week. But, he was better than before that was for sure. Dia and Demetrius were both proud of how far he was coming, DJ seemed like his old self almost everyday. But, they still kept an open mind because there was still a possibility he could go back to being extremely sick.

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