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"It's taking everything in me to not put my hands on you Dia." Naomi mumbled, her knee bouncing up and down furiously as she sat down on Dia's couch.

After regaining consciousness from Demetrius knocking her out, she immediately rushed to Dia's house to see if that was where he would be. He left her with many unanswered questions, but it seemed like he was going to go on his killing spree. However, to her surpise, he hadn't touched Dia at all. Dia hadn't seen or heard anything from Demetrius since they had sex, meaning he probably decided to go to August first.

"I'm sorry." Dia said, watching Naomi with apologetic eyes. She felt horrible for what she did, especially after Naomi just got done yelling at her about Demetrius overdosing. She just simply wasn't in her right state of mind and it caused her to make reckless decisions.

"How many pills did you give him?" Naomi asked, burying her face in her hands.

"Um, eight, nine maybe. I- I can't really remember." Dia cringed with each word she spoke because as soon as she said the numbers, it seemed like Naomi's anger started to rise. Even though she couldn't see her face, she could feel her energy, and by the way her body was shaking lightly, she was clearly beyond upset.

"Why? Why did you do this to him?" she asked, Dia held her head down in shame before answering.

"Because he kept bugging me about the pills and all I wanted was for him to try them and see if he'd like them. I didn't mean for him to overdose, he responded well to it at first. But sometimes he lost his high, so I just kept giving them to him. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I swear I didn't mean to. I was high and I wasn't in my right mind. Naomi please forgive me, please don't hate me." Dia begged crouching down in front of Nae's seated body.

Dia loved Naomi, she was the only real friend Dia ever had and she couldn't afford to lose her over meaningless drugs. She hated seeing Nae hurt at her expense, never had she thought that the waters of their friendship would ever be tested like it was now and the fact that it was all her fault made her feel worse.

"I don't hate you, I could never hate you Dia." Nae stated truthfully, grabbing a hold of her hand tightly. "But I can't forgive you for what you did to him... not right now."

"Okay." Dia didn't blame her for not forgiving her right away, she expected it to say the least. Demetrius probably wouldn't forgive her ever. "I'm sorry I just-"

"Dia, what's wrong?" Nae interrupted, "Why are you taking these drugs? What do they do for you?" she asked curiously, never before had she thought that Dia would ever be taking strong drugs. She knew Dia had problems with sleeping, but never thought her problems were too bad to the point where she was using Ecstasy.

"Well... it started off with me just not being able to sleep, you remember I told you after having DJ, I developed insomia because I had to balance out getting my degree and taking care of him." she said and Nae nodded her head, so she continued, "At first I took the regular stuff like melatonin and NyQuil of course, but as time passed, that stuff stopped working for me. I had to get something stronger, so around the time DJ started school, is when I found out what pills were stronger and better for sleeping. Vicodin and Ambien, so I stole them from my last job." she explained

Dia looked down at her lap in shame, "It was just supposed to be a phase, something to help me every once in awhile, but then I got used to the numbing feeling it gave me. It just felt so good to not feel shit. Eventually I even tried to stop though, after Demetrius told me to, and I was doing a good job for awhile but then when I got to prison everything just got so much worse." she frowned

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