1.1 get this party started

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Before reading please understand that I wrote this shit when I was like 14-15, I am now 18 and realise this book needs some SERIOUS editing but I really can't be bothered, so you will definitely be seeing a lot of mistakes, so please don't point them out, I know they're there, I just don't have the effort to go through an 100 part book and edit thanks!

get this party started

Kara smiled as she looked around the studio that she was walking into, James and Eldon by her side. It was time for another year.

"The next step dance studio is a highly competitive dance studio." Kara told the camera.

She walked further into the studio, following everyone as they put their dance bags and belongings into the cubbies.

"Get focused, okay? This is serious stuff. A-troupe auditions." Kate told the group of teenagers. Kara nodded her head before finding a place to go and stretch.

"There is a few troupes here at The Next Step, theres J-Troupe which is basically a junior troupe. And then we have B-Troupe, which is basically a beginner level. Then we have A-troupe, the best of the best and only eleven dancers make it." Kara told the camera.

Kara stood in the middle of the room, making sure her hair was tied tightly at the back of her head, she didn't want it to fall out and ruin her chances, something like that could make a huge difference.

"I was in A-troupe last year, but the year before I was in B-troupe. It was when I first joined 2 years ago that I realised that this is where I want to develop my level of dance. I have to re-auditon this year, which is fair, only the best of the best can make it."

Kara was working on her turns, waiting for the auditions to begin. If she had a strong spot it would definitely be her acro, she had merely perfected it.

"Dolphin tail!" Chris walked into the room with Kate by his side as he threw his hand in the air and waved it back and worth, initiating a dolphin with the rest of the teenagers.

"That, dancers, is the first dolphin tail of the year. Congratulations!" He smiled and everyone began to clap.

"So, let's begin auditions for A-troupe." Kate smiled and everyone broke into applause again and went to get prepared for auditions.

"Hey, Riley." Kara smiled and gave her a small hug. Though Riley's sister hated Kara, the two girls were still really close.

Kara saw out the corner of her eyes that Emily was giving her a hardest glare, most likely for speaking to Riley, she knew the two were friends and didn't like it one bit.

Kara gave her a sarcastic wave and turned back around to speak to her few friends on B-troupe and Emily turned around to speak to her only friends, the E-girls.

"The E-girls are basically a group that Emily started a year before I joined the studio. They are totally full of themselves, the only two that I can stand are Giselle and Riley."

"All right, dancers, let's do this!" Kate yelled. "Group one, I have Daniel, West, Emily and Stephanie."

Kara quickly hugged Daniel and wished him good look.

"Okay, Daniel, you're first." Kate exclaimed.

The music started to play and the next steps traditional 'Stand up' song started to play. Daniel started with a few turns and a fan kick, his style was a so elegant.

"I love Daniels style, sometimes he amazes me with the moves he can do. I would go as far to say he is nearly better at ballet than me, nearly."

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