3.22 blind

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"Congratulations, for making it this far." The woman told the dance captains that were currently stood in a circle in the auditorium.

Right now, all the captains of the remaining teams were meeting with the internationals representative, they were waiting to see what curve ball was being thrown next.

"Look around you, cause after today, half of you will be gone." She told them.

The competition was down to sixteen teams with four rounds left and it was getting harder each round.

"As you know, you'll be performing the 2-7 person dance, but, the only challenge you'll be facing is that you will be performing this dance blindfolded." She told them as she pulled out a blindfold from her pocket.

Kara looked at Giselle with wide eyes, she felt sorry for the girl because she was the one performing the next dance.

"Go!" She yelled and all the captains scurried off to go and tell their team the news that could make or break their team.


All of the teams had been doing incredibly well, either the teams had a small amount of people or a large amount of people.

The groups that contained quite a lot of people were the ones that the judges were impressed with because it levelled up the difficulty by mass amounts.

During their practice time, the group performing their dance for The Next Step had decided to include Noah in the dance and seeing as the dance was only made for five, Michelle had willingly left the dance.

The reason behind including Noah was because apparently he had some freaky power that made him completely aware to his surroundings, he could catch and place anything he wanted too.

Sweden's team had just performed, Kara and the rest of the team were gob-smacked at how well they had performed, they used seven dancers and still managed to make the dance look beautiful.

Kara stood backstage with the team, trying to give them some moral support because they all seemed to be freaking out.  She turned around to see Noah with his blind fold on performing by himself, away from the group.

She decided to go and see what was wrong with him but stood there for a few seconds before saying anything.

"Hey, Kara." Noah stopped dancing and turned to where she was.

"Okay, that is incredibly creepy." Kara laughed. "I was just going to wish you luck but with what you just did I don't think you'll be needing that luck."

"I don't know, it's my first time performing and I'm really nervous, I could mess up." Noah sighed as he took his blindfold off.

"Noah, you're an amazing dancer and you need to realise that. I know that you've been feeling out of place since you joined A-troupe but now is your time to prove that you really belong here, I know you do, I definitely know you do but if you want to prove it to everyone else you're going to have to man up and dance your heart out." Kara said with a small smile.

"Thanks, Kara." Noah nodded with a smile and pulled the girl in for a hug.

Kara hugged him back, patting his back before pulling away. "Go get em' killer."

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