3.08 the nutcracker prince

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the nutcracker prince

"How can you even be thinking about this right now?" Kara exclaimed as she sat beside James in Hidalgos. "It should be a no-brainer, no, it is a no-brainier."

Shantel left A-troupe because she didn't become a dance captain so a spot opened up and The Next Step offered James that spot.

But, James was unsure because he was already really concentrated on the band right now and he was enjoying it.

"Kara, there's so much going on with the band right now." James stated.

"What, like a gig?" Kara questioned, she knew they had no gigs going on right at that moment, and they hadn't for a while.

"Ha. A, touché and B, you don't have to be so mean about it."

"Look, I understand that, but this is Internationals that we're talking about." Kara told him.

"I've got band practice. I've got to go. We'll talk about this later." James said, getting up from his seat beside Kara and walking out.

Kara thought that James would want to rejoin the internationals teams. She especially thought that he would join to spend more time with her.


Kara was sat with Michelle in Hidalgos, waiting for James one again, they were meant to meet there at two to speak again about the whole joining the team situation.

Michelle noticed Kara's jittery behaviour due to the fact she was constantly looking around instead of reading the magazine that she bought.

"You seem really anxious. What's up?" Michelle asked.

"I'm supposed to meet James here at two to talk about whether or not he's joining the team and he's not here yet." Kara answered, looking down at her phone once again.

It was thirteen minutes past two and of course James was late, he was obviously still at band practice.

"But of course he's late. I have to meet Emily now, so I've got to go." Kara told her.

"All right. If James comes, I'll tell him that you left." Michelle smiled.

"Okay, thank you." Kara returned her smile and turned to leave the cafe that she seemed to be in for what seemed like the whole day.


"Guys, has anybody heard anything from West or Chloe?" Michelle asked the group.

West and Chloe had decided to audition for a dance company that was putting on the show 'the nutcracker' and they were waiting for some news from one of them.

Kara heard that Eldon had challenged West to do it and Chloe went with him for support.

"I haven't heard anything." Eldon shook his head.

"Well, if no ones heard from them, then that probably means West made it past the first round." Thalia told them.

"Really? Wow." Eldon exclaimed, shocked. "I might have to go out and get me a flying pig."

Everyone laughed at the boy, knowing what he meant but still confused.

"He's a hip hop dancer." Eldon justified himself.

"Do you guys want to go to Hidalgos?" Thalia asked

"It seems like I've been there all day, but, sure." Kara laughed and got up from the box she was sitting on.

"Only if Noah's going." Eldon said.

"Well, I'm going." Noah nodded and put his arm around Eldon's shoulder.

"Actually I'll meet you guys there, I need to go find James." Kara told the group and quickly ran off down the hallway to find James.

She looked down each hallway and even looked in some of the dance studios and even the music room to see if he was still with the band but she couldn't find him.

Eventually she ran into him as she was heading back to Hidalgos because she had finally gave up on trying to find him.

"There you are. Can we talk now?" Kara asked, out of breath.

"Ah, no. I already know what I'm doing. You can come with me." James told her, grabbing her hand and dragging her away to Hidalgos where the team were.

"Yo, what's up?" James greeted the team as they all sat around a few tables. They were having a meeting about the internationals team and what to do if James didn't join back.

"Oh, we were just having a meeting for internationals." Eldon told him.

"Oh, for internationals. Yeah, that explains all the mopey faces. I don't need this." James turned around to walk away but Kara stopped him.

"Yeah, you do."

"Oh, yeah, that's right. I'm on the Internationals team." James told them, shocking them all.


"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, for real." James grinned and they all immediately hugged him with relief.

To the team it felt like everything was finally falling back in to place, everything was starting to feel right again.

Kara was happy that both her and James could be a part of the team together, she hated it without him.

"Juice is on me!" James sang and headed towards the counter with the team trailing behind him.

"You're gonna be broke by the time you've gave five people their juice." Kara told him. "Don't complain to me when you have no money."

"You know what, you're right." James turned to the team. "Guys, pick something cheap and not the usual stuff you get."

Kara shook her head at her boyfriend with a small smile on her face, she was happy.


hey my loves,

I know this chapter was all over the place but this episode in the series was kind of set around West and Chloe and only had James and Riley in it with certain bits but I had to include it because James was coming back into A-troupe and stuff.

Thank you for 59k reads by the way, I'm thankful for you all!

Please leave a comment and vote on this chapter, it would be much appreciated. I love reading your guys comments and opinions!

love you all

word count: 982

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