3.24 shes not you

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she's not you

The team were in the auditorium, once again, rehearsing their semi-finals routine since they would be going up against England in only a few short hours.

"Ready? Five, six, seven, eight." Kate counted the group in.

The group still couldn't believe that they had made it to the semi-finals. It started with one hundred and sixty teams at internationals and now they were down to four; England, Italy, Sweden and themselves.

"Your time is up!" Ella called to the group as she walked down the walkway with her team and the internationals representative.

"What? No, she's just messing with us." Kara shook her head.

"No, no, your time is up, please get off the stage." The representative told them.

Having to leave for Ella's team made Kara so angry to the point where she was going to snap.

"You just don't look ready, and do you know why?" Ella asked.

"Why?" Kara stepped forward.

"Because you're not." Ella smiled as she made her way to the stage.

She was wrong, Kara knew that they were ready and that they were going to find a way to beat England and most importantly, Ella.


West was laying on the floor in the rehearsal room with a pillow under his head as he clutched his stomach and groaned profoundly.

When he was in Miami he had decided to go to a kebab shop and it most definitely gave him food poisoning.

"Okay, how many times have you thrown up?" James asked as he looked down to the ill boy.

"Three times." Thalia answered for him.

"You know what? Actually four, I just threw up in my mouth." West pointed to his mouth. "But I swallowed it back."

"What are we gonna do?" Kate exclaimed.

"This is food poisoning, I know it." James pointed at West with his water bottle. "I eat shawarmas all the time, it happens to me one or two times a month, it takes about twenty-four hours to get out of your system."

"Don't even remind me about those times of the month, it's disgusting." Kara shivered as she thought about James being ill.

"We do not have twenty-four hours." Kate told them.

"Someone help me up, come here." West gestured his hands upwards, grabbing the air.

Kate, Max and Noah stepped forwards, reaching for West and using all their weight to help him up.

West clutched his stomach and placed a hand over his mouth. "You know what? I think I've gotta go."

"Go where?" James asked dumbfounded.

His question was answered when West held his mouth tighter and ran out of the room to the toilet.

"That makes five times." Thalia held up on of her hands. "Five times."

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