3.17 it's my party

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it's my party

Today was the day that Amanda was coming back to the studio from Sweden, the team were planning a surprise party for her but they couldn't let her know.

They were all trying to keep her away from Studio A, they didn't expect her to get here so fast but she came straight from the airport.

West ran into the studio, ran through the office but not before using Kates chair to wheel across the room to the other side of the studio to tell the group that Amanda was coming.

Amanda opened the door with arms full of costumes in her arms, obviously given to her by West to slow her down.

"Surprise!" The whole studio yelled to the shocked girl.

"You guys are the best." Amanda smiled as she looked around at the decorated studio. "I love you guys." She brought everyone into a hug with a smile on her face.


Max and Eldon were performing some type of funny, musical theatre dance that was very comical for everyone to watch.

The dance was made for Amanda to welcome her back to the studio since the party was now a go.

Every applauded the two as Eldon fell back into Max's arms as their final pose.

"Thank you, guys, that was incredible." Kate stood on the stage and spoke through the microphone, laughing at the two boys. "All right, next up we have another incredible performance from Luke from the music room, please come to the stage."

Everyone applauded Luke as he made his way to the stage and immediately started to play his guitar and sing.

Kara danced with the girls in the middle of the floor as Luke sang the beautiful song, she was having an amazing time and couldn't keep the smile off of her face.

A little while later, everyone was just in their own groups talking to each other as some music played in the background.

Kara wished something would happen though because right now she could see Ella coming towards her and all she was doing was just standing there.

"Hey." Ella smiled. "I'm going to miss you when I go. But, I guess I'll see you in a week."

"Yeah." Kara nodded, she wasn't all that bothered with what Ella had to say to her. "Look, I've got to go. I'll see you later."

Kara gave Ella a smile before leaving her stood by herself to go and join Cierra and Amanda.

"Hey! I missed you so much." Kara pulled Amanda into a side hug as she stood beside the two.

"I missed you guys, too, you have no idea how much I wished I was here. Did I miss anything while I was away?" Amanda asked the two.

"Not really." Cierra shook her head. "I mean, James quit the band after him and Kara got into a fight about it but the fight was also about Ella, you know Ella, right? She likes to pull pranks and got Kara and Riley involved and James didn't like that Kara was involved that much. Eldon and Thalia aren't allowed to talk, he's only at twenty-four pirouettes, maybe twenty-five or twenty-six.. I don't know, but not thirty. And Richelle, she likes Noah but Noah likes Abi but I'm not really sure where Abi stands in all of that. And Michelle she's still living here and not in Madison but she's been a mess so Kate made her an alternate and-"

"Wait." Amanda stopped her while Kara just stared wide-eyed at Cierra because of how fast she just talked. "Michelle's and alternate."

"Yeah." Cierra shrugged. "So, I guess you didn't really miss much."

"I can't believe Michelle's an alternate." Amanda said to Kara as Cierra walked away. "She was one of the best people on the team."

Kara nodded. "Yeah, well, she's had a pretty tough time this year and I guess everyone just got pretty fed up with it."


"All right, guys, Ella's gonna sing take it easy!" Kate announced over the microphone to everyone.

No one knew Ella could sing so it was quite surprising when she started to. Everyone started to clap to the beat.

Thalia brought Kara into the middle and started to dance with her and everyone soon started to join them.

Kara didn't know where to stand with Ella, she was still certain on not being friends with her because that's what was best but she was leaving soon.

The song made Kara smile a lot, Ella tried to teach them all to just take it easy and have some fun and in a way she kind of succeeded, along with causing some arguments along the way but overall it was good having her at the studio.


Everyone was now dancing to a slow song in the middle of the floor, it was the last dance of the night.

Thalia and Eldon had made Thalia dance with West and Giselle dance with Eldon in close proximity to each other so it kind of looked like they were dancing together so they could fool James.

But he was too busy dancing with Kara to  notice anyways.

"Promise me something." James looked down at the brunette.


"No pranks in Miami." James instantly told her and Kara gave him an unsure look.

"No promises." Kara gave him a smile before laughing. "I'm kidding! Of course not, we're going to be at Internationals. I have a lot to focus on, my solo, the other dances.

"Are you ready for this, though?" James asked, genuinely looking down at her.

"I'm ready." Kara nodded and hooked her arms around James neck, hugging him as they swayed together.

Kara couldn't wait to go to Internationals. Only a few days ago had Kate told her she would be the soloist for their team and she couldn't have been more excited.

She couldn't stop practicing either and she was pretty sure she perfected her routine, she couldn't wait to perform it in front of a larger audience.

Right now, their team was so strong that Kara was pretty sure they could take on anything that was thrown at them.


A U T H O R S   N O T E S

hey my loves,

this was a short chapter but only because it's international next chapter so I can't wait for that!!

love you all so much and I appreciate every single one of you, we're about to reach 100k reads so I'm trying to post a little bit more to get there so I can start writing for season 4

should I write it all at once and then release all the chapters or should I post the chapters like I do now


as always please vote and comment on this chapter, I love to read your guys comments!!

love you all

word count| 1154

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