3.10 put you first

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put you first

"And five, six, seven, eight. Hit one." Kate counted as the group finished going over their dance. "Okay. Clearly, we need to work on that end pose. But don't worry about it, you guys worked super hard, so, let's call that a wrap on the group rehearsal. You can head home."

Chloe walked into the studio, seeing as she wasn't as the rehearsal, she was incredibly nervous with what she was about to tell the dancers.

"Hey, Chloe- where were you?" Kara smiled.

"I think you need to tell them." Kate told the girl.

"I've been offered a position under La Ballet De La Reine for the Nutcracker touring company." Chloe told them.

"Seriously?" Giselle exclaimed.

"Oh, my gosh." Kara smiled. "That's so amazing."

"So, how are you going to internationals and doing the production at the same time?" Michelle questioned.

"Well, I can't. I've chosen the Nutcracker. Is that okay?" Chloe asked.

"Oh, that's too bad.." West nodded. "But we're so happy for you Chloe!"

Everyone went in turns and brought Chloe into a hug, congratulating her on her next step.

"This calls for a celebration. Drinks on Chloe." West statedz


"What are you doing?" Thalia asked once she saw Kara stood near the cubbies, looking out into the hallway.

"I'm just waiting for James. It's our anniversary." Kara told her.

"Oh! Did you get him anything?"

"Um, no. I mean, I feel like us just being together is more important than the present." Kara smiled.

Kara thought that they should spend time together because it was almost like a gift in itself.

"Bye, lovebirds." Thalia grinned once she saw James heading their way.

"I'll see you later." Kara laughed and turned to James, only to see him out of breath. "Hey! Are you okay?"

"Happy anniversary." James managed to say, wiping the sweat off of his face before handing her a box that seemed to have chocolates in.

"Chocolates?" Kara asked once she opened the box to see only five were left. "Um, why are half of them eaten?"

James eyes widened as he looked down at the box. "I decided to eat the ones that I know you don't like. Specifically, that one, because I thought you might be allergic to it. Because it's full of.. allergies. But this is like an appetiser gift. It's like a warm up. I got you an even bigger, better present for later on today."

"Yeah, well, I got you something too!" Kara laughed nervously.

"What?" James asked.

"And it involves.. things." She trailed off.


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