3.20 when the war is over

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when the war is over

Kara was marking through her solo because today was the day she was going to do it for internationals.

No one gets eliminated in these rounds but whoever wins Mr and Miss international soloist also gains a five point advantage moving forward into further rounds.

Kara had decided to go upstairs to check when she would be performing her solo, she was praying she wouldn't be going first.

She looked to the schedule and saw she was on between 5:40-6:00 and she was the last person to perform, that could be a good thing because that meant she would be freshest in the judges minds.

"Oh, look, there's only one dance between us and I'm before you." Ella approached Kara warily.

"Seems like it." Kara nodded with a small smile.

"Hey, I was just wondering if you're doing the dance that you rehearsed those few times at The Next Step?" Ella suddenly asked.

Kara didn't think anything of it, she just thought she was being her usual nosey self but there was a part of her that was slightly suspicious.

"Yeah." Kara nodded.

"Oh, good. That's a great dance, it was one of my favourites." Ella smiled sweetly. "Well, I guess it's time to get our game faces on. See you on the other side."

Ella stared at Kara in the eyes before pushing past her shoulders, moving her slightly. Kara scoffed, she had had her game face on since she told her they couldn't be friends anymore.


Everyone was backstage, waiting for Eldon to go onto stage but unfortunately he was freaking out about how he lost his lucky coin.

James was so conflicted with what to do that he ended up letting Thalia actually talk to Eldon even though he didn't let them for months when he was around.

And whatever Thalia had said to Eldon had really motivated him because right now, he was dancing the best he ever had.

He was dancing very differently, normally he would just be doing some tricks but instead this dance was a lot more emotional than previous dancers.

He was incorporating so elements of gymnastics and elements of ballet, his technique was phenomenal in this routine.

Kara thought Eldon had come so far from Regionals, not only with the way he dances but also how he is matured as a person. She really hoped he would win, he deserved it.

"He is killing it right now, what did you say to him?" James whispered over to Thalia, keeping his eyes trained on Eldon.

"I told him to dance for me." Thalia replied.

"I tried that!" James exclaimed.

"Well, maybe that's why he was freaking out." She laughed.

The crowd couldn't stop cheering as he performed his flips and tricks, he really was winning them over.

Everyone cheered for him as the music came to and end, he bowed to them and the smile couldn't be kept from his face as he ran back to his team.

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