1.30 winner takes it all

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winner takes it all

"Five, six, seven eight." Emily counted as the group practiced there routine, although, Michelle and Eldon were off at the side, working on there duet.

"Look how romantic there duet is!" West exclaimed as he put an arm around James' shoulder.

"They're magical!" James smiled as they stared at the two before bursting into laughter.

"Um, Kara?" Emily called out.


"Could you take over for a quick second?" Emily asked Kara seeing as she was working with a separate group at the side.

"Yeah." Kara smiled as she watched Emily walk over to Eldon before turning back to the group.

"Okay, so one, two, three, four, make sure you raise your leg high on that part, Steph."


"When you take a look at Elite, they've been here before." Chucks voice sounded throughout the place.

"Yeah, they've won this thing three times and they've gone onto Nationals." Stacey replied. "Well, you have The Next Step, they're kind of the underdogs. They haven't even made it to the semifinals, let alone the finals against such a competitive team."

"Well, I'm being told that they're ready to roll here for the finals at the Absolute Dance Regional Championships." Chuck told them just as the curtain opened for Elite to start there performance. "And wow, there's an eye catching sight, huh? An aeroplane."

Everyone applauded for the group as they finished their amazing routine.

"They just set the bar so high."

The group looked around at each other as Elite tan back to the sidelines, they were so nervous it was crazy. Seeing Elite had just shook them up completely.


"That dolphin tale." James laughed as he stood beside Kara on the sidelines as the group set up on stage.

Kara smiled at him before turning around long enough to see Beth walk in through the back.

"What is she doing here?" Kara asked.

"What?" James gave her a confused look.

"Look." Kara pointed behind him and when he saw Beth, she waved at him.

"Just give me one second." James turned to Kara. "Don't worry about it. I'll be right back."

Kara watched as James walked over to her and started to speak in a hushed tone, oh how she wished she had amazing hearing right about now.

"What are you doing here?" James asked her.

"Aren't you excited to see me?" Beth asked.

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