1.3 dance, dance

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dance, dance

"So, Michelle, are you going to audition to be dance captain?" Kate asked Kara and all eyes went back to her.

"I.. I guess." Kara mumbled.

"Great. And Emily?" Kate asked the girl.

"Oh, yeah."

"Great. So this is how it's going to go down. You will lead a group." She pointed to Emily. "You will lead a group." She then pointed to Kara. "You come up with choreography, you'll perform the routine for Chris and I, then we decide."

"Fine. E-girls, let's do this." Emily turned around and clapped.

"And I'm deciding the teams." Chris interrupted.

"Really?" Emily snarled.

"On this side, we have Chloe, Tiffany, Eldon, Daniel and Emily." Chris told them and pointed to a side of the studio.

"On this side, we've got James, West, Riley, Stephanie, Michelle and Kara."

"Fine." Emily rose her hands to her hips and stared Kara in the eyes. "We get studio A."

"So we get studio B." West told her.

"Great. Have fun with that." Emily smirked.

"We will." James assured her.

"Thank you." Kara gave her a fake smile and walked off with her group.


"I truly like the team that I'm with. I'm a bit weary of Stephanie though seeing as she's Emily's best friend." Kara told the camera.

"What do you guys want to do before we rehearse?" Kara asked her group.

"Why don't we let Michelle decide, she's Miss National Soloist after all. So why don't we ask Michelle, she should know what to do shouldn't she." Stephanie told her.

"Miss national what?" James and west chorused at the same time.

"So you won nationals?" James asked her.

"Yeah." Michelle smiled.

"Dope." West smirked and raised his fist so she could bump it.

"That's sick. Nice." James told her.


"You deserve it, you're a great dancer." Kara smiled.

"Thank you, Kara." Michelle smiled back and gave her a side hug.

"Michelle was telling me earlier, that at her old studio she used to do these warm up exercises and it's called dancemals, right?" Kara turned to the blonde and she nodded. "You have to dance like an animal."

"Ape!" James yelled out and went down on his legs and went about the room like the animal he described.

"Yeah, well, dude, you think that's cool?" West told him. "What this starfish."

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