1.18 brand new

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brand new

"I overheard my parents talking to Emily and she way saying that they're planning on moving to elite." Riley informed them.

"No way." Chris mumbled.

"Elite?" Kate exclaimed.

"I have not a clue what we're going to do, this is really bad news."

"They keep saying how they want to do stuff for the troupe, but then they just go and leave. I mean, come on!" Chloe exclaimed.

"They're always about themselves, guys. We know that." Kara told them, everyone agreeing. "But, I think if we talk to them, or something, they'll want to come back."

"No. Bad idea." Riley told her.

"I know that we've worked really hard to go to regionals and I really want to go, but.." Kara trailed off.

"Wait, are you suggesting that we not go to regionals?" Daniel asked.

"I don't want to say that, but.."

"No! We're going." Riley exclaimed and this caused everyone to start speaking over each other.

"I don't care if we have to take my grandma, we are taking ten people." Tiffany told them.

"We need to find a solution, okay? We want to go to regionals." Kate told them. "Okay, that's what we're going to do. We're going to audition from B-troupe. Okay?"

"They still haven't been accepted to Elite." Eldon spoke up. "Like, we should still have hope. They haven't even auctioned yet."

"So we're just supposed to wait for them to get into elite, go to Regionals then beat us?" Kara asked. "We have to do something now."

"Regionals is so soon and we don't have any time to wait around."

"We'll bring two people up from B-troupe. There's Giselle, there's Beth." Kate counted off.

"There's Charlie."

"Exactly." Kate smiled. "Guys, are we going to do this." Kate asked and put her hand in the middle, signalling for everyone to copy.

"Yeah, we are!"

"The next step!"


"All right, welcome to A-troupe auditions." Kara smiled as she addressed the B-troupers and they all burst into applause. "So, as you know, there are two spots open in A-troupe. A-troupe is a big jump from B-troupe and it's really important that you guys are serious. So, just so you know, it'll be solos, like four counts of eight, and then we'll go through choreography after. So, we'll have you first." Kara smiled as Ben came from the side and stood in the middle. "So, why do you dance?"

"Eh.. I like dancing cause I like entertaining people. I like being the centre of attention." He told them before doing a back flip. "Right after I'm on stage, it's always being fun being up there."

"Cool." Kara smiled. "Let's see your freestyle."

He nodded as she played the music and he started to dance.

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