1.7 love story

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love story

"Hey, look. Here they are." West pointed out the group that was coming back from elite and Kara snapped her head towards the door to look around the group and immediately started panicking.

"Uh, where's Michelle?" Kara asked.

"We left her behind." Emily told her blandly.

"Why?" Riley stepped up next to Kara.

"Because she got caught." Emily replied.

"You know what? I feel like you keep pushing Michelle away." Kara told her.

"It's not right to call out the Dance Captain but I honestly feel like Emily needs to be put in her place."

"You're threatened by her some how." Kara added onto what she was saying.

"She doesn't threaten me." Emily got up in her face and started getting defensive.

"Okay, yeah. I'm sorry if it's an inconvenience to you but Michelle is part of this team and she is one of our only chances at winning regionals." Riley exclaimed.

"Oh, so none of these people can help us win at regionals." Emily looked around at everyone.

"You're such a team player, Sis." Emily sarcastically told her.

"That's not what I'm saying." Riley immediately spoke up.

"Good for you." Emily told her and walked off, the E-girls trailing behind her.

"All Riley was trying to say was that Michelle is going to help us get to nationals it's crucial that she stays with us, I don't understand what Emily's problem is." Kara told the camera.


"Okay, dancers, listen up." Kate told the group. "We're going to do something different this week, okay? We're going to do duets but seeing as there is eleven of us, one of them is going to be trio. We all need to work on working together more, listening to each other, collaborating.."

"Sorry, Kate." Chris interrupted the woman. "Do you guys know where Michelle is?"

"No, I haven't seen her. Anyone?" Emily spoke up and look around the room.

"Really?" Chris asked.

"She's late, though." Emily shrugged.

"Interesting." Chris whispered to Kate.

"Anyway, as I was saying, duets. We need you to all pair off, okay? Choose your own duet partner, create a duet, work together, listen to each other." Kate continued. "Cool, questions? No? Okay, get started. Let's go, come on."

"Kara, I've got some sweet ideas for our duet." James told the brunette as he approached her.

"Yeah, but I don't remember agreeing to be your partner." Kara told him.

"Yeah, but I decided for the both of us." He smiled.

"When James asks me to be his partner.. well, he didn't really ask. He kind of just implied that I would be his partner. I know, I was kind of like, okay. I just kind of agreed to it." Kara laughed to the camera.

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