1.8 just the two of us

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just the two of us

"Hey guys, just a reminder you're performing your duets for Chris  and I tomorrow, okay? So make sure they're ready. Do you need some inspiration, maybe?" Kate asked and the group stood in silence until Chris stood up and cheered.

Everyone cheered as the dance came to and end and Kate and Chris couldn't keep the smiles off there faces.

"How was that for inspiration?" Kate asked and the group cheered in response. "Make sure you grab your partners, work hard, and kill it like we just did."

"Cause we are way too old for this." Chris added, out of breath.


"James and I are taking a break from working on our duet and we're just hanging out next to the cubbies." Kara smiled to the camera.

"Yo, guys." Eldon greeted as he approached James, Kara and West. "I don't know what to do. I have two duet partners."

"Two?" James exclaimed.


"Who?" West asked.

"Michelle and Emily." Eldon replied.

"Man, since when? How did that happen?" James asked.

"I worry about Eldon sometimes." Kara told the camera.

"You know what, man? You've got to do what's right." West pointed at him.

"Well, what's right?" Eldon asked.

"I say you go for it with Emily, man. Trust me, I've got three sisters. I know the ladies." James smirked and Kara rolled her eyes.

"He knows nothing about girls, not one thing."

"No, no, that's not true what I said at all. What's right is who asked you first." West stopped James from talking and told Eldon straight.

"He's right, if Michelle asked you first then you've got to stick with her." Kara smiled and the confused looking blonde.

"West!" Stephanie called. "West, come here!"

West sighed and looked back at his friends. "All right. Got to go."

"Yeah. Peace, bro."

Emily walked into studio A with a determined look plastered upon on her face and once she saw Eldon she started walking towards him.

"Yo, there's your girl. Go get it." James told him and grabbed Kara wrist and brung her over to there bags so they could get a drink.



"I've been waiting in studio B for like five minutes." Emily complained.

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