2.25 just dance

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Just dance

"Maybe I can.. maybe I can talk to Kate." Kara suggested. "You know, get her to change her mind."

"Kara.." Emily trailed off. "No ones gonna believe me and they're not gonna want to believe you. Okay? It's over, it's done."

"No, Em, if can't be done. You can't just give up like that." Kara exclaimed. "You know, maybe I'll talk to Chloe, get us some insight."

"All right. You can try." Emily nodded.

"Hug, please?" Kara held out her arms and bring Emily into a hug which she returned.

"Emily tried to take this whole plan on by herself, but now it's time for me to step in."


"I come to the culture shock because I need to talk to Chloe about what's been going down."

"I heard what happened. I can't believe it." Kara exclaimed as she sat down at the table Chloe was at.

"Neither can I." Chloe sighed. "Something about it just seems so wrong."

"More like fishy." Kara corrected.

"We'll figure something out, hopefully.." Chloe said but got stopped by Kara shushing her and grabbing her hand to drag her behind something that would hide them.

"Any competitions this year?" Amanda asked Stephanie as the two walked into culture shock.

"Uh, yeah, a small one, but nothing like nationals." Stephanie answered.

"Makes sense." Amanda nodded. "What do you want?"

"This whole situation seems really suspicious to me. Emily would not take that money. I need to figure out what Amanda is up to."

Kara watched as Amanda got the money out of her purse and Stephanie furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why does it look like a kid drew all over your money?" Stephanie asked.

"It's whatever, don't worry about it." Amanda shrugged.

"Okay. Thanks." Stephanie smiled as Amanda passed her a drink and the two walked out.

"Did you see that?" Chloe asked once the two got out of their hiding places.

"No, what?" Kara asked.

"There was a drawing on her money." Chloe told her.

"Okay.." Kara trailed off.

"Margie drew it.. Amanda took the money and I know how to prove it. Come here." Chloe grabbed her hand and pulled her over to where Amanda had just paid and approached the barista. "Hi, we need that five dollar bill that that girl just gave."

"Yeah." The barista nodded.

"Uh, we can give you change." Chloe told her and Kara reached into her pockets.

"I don't know how Chloe can prove Amanda stole the money, but it's our only hope right now, so I pray it works."

Chloe quickly grabbed Kara's hand and pulled her out of culture shock as soon as she was giving the five dollar bill.

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