2.12 time to move on

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time to move on

Kara and James were practising there duet in front of Kate and to say the room was filled with tension was an understatement.

"Right now James and I are just are going through our nationals duet and it's not going so well. Me and James are just not on the same page. Our chemistry's just not there."

James picked Kara up into a star lift put immediately dropped her down when she started moving, she had no trust in him. They stopped for a few seconds, staring at each other before going back into the dance.

All Kara wanted to do was get away from James but that was incredibly hard at this moment in time.

"I'm feeling very, very upset with James right now. I mean, there's just all this anger built up inside of me and I feel like this dance is really the only chance for me to physically show him how I feel."

She wouldn't dare look at him once, every time he would try to she would look away from him.

"The song is called "don't make my heart break." But he kind of did make my heart break."

When she was meant to put her hand on his chest, she instead pushed him away and walked away. Storming away on her way out she pushed over the chair in the middle of the room.

"We'll pick this up tonight at rehearsal." Kate yelled so Kara could hear.

"Got it." Kara yelled back.


It was open mic night at culture shock, many people were sat around in the chairs facing the stage.

All Kara could think about though was James, and she hated it.

"I need to talk to Emily about what's happening with James. I mean, she always makes me feel better about this kind of stuff."

"I don't know what to do about James." Kara told Emily as they both sat down. "I can't be with him, I can't work with him.. but I can't stop thinking about him."

"Well, why don't you just try thinking about something else?" Emily suggested.

"You mean like go for someone new?" Kara asked.

"Yeah, I mean, it's not unheard of, it's called a rebound." Emily smiled.

"I know Emily's trying to help by telling me to move on and it's a good idea, but I honestly don't think I can."

"I'm not sure that's a great idea right now, it's still pretty fresh. Thanks anyways." Kara smiled to the blonde and got up from her chair, beginning to walk away but stopping and turning around when James walked into the room.

She hid behind Emily, ducking down as she watched Beth approach James, she sat back in her seat as she watched the exchange:

"James, hey!" Beth exclaimed.

"What's up, yo?" James nodded, clearly not wanting to be next her.

"I brought you your favourite juice." She held out a purple drink. "Grape."

"Oh.." James took it from her. "Grape?"

"I was wondering, do you want to go on a date later?" Beth beamed.

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