1.5 steal my sunshine

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steal my sunshine

"Right now, we're working on the beginning stages of our regionals routine." Kara told the camera.

"That was really, really, really good." Emily smiled at the group. "For B-troupe."

"I thought we were in A-troupe." Michelle spoke.

"Your dancing was B-troupe material." Emily clarified. "So, take five, we'll be back."

"Before you take five, just wanted to let you guys know that we have dance camp in Studio A all day tomorrow, so you guys get a day off." Kate told the group and everyone cheered.

"Having a day off is going to be awesome. It's a great day to relax."

"What are you guys planning on doing on your day off?" James asked the group as they gathered around together.

"Yeah, we should all chill." Eldon suggested.

"I've never been to the beach." Michelle said.

"Yo, let's go to the beach." James exclaimed.

"Let's go to the beach!" West agreed.

"Actually, the E-girls are helping out with dance camp, so we won't be able to join you." Emily sneered.

"Have fun!" James laughed and went to bro hug west.

Kara Brown as laughing around with Michelle before turning around to see Riley stood with the E-girls, she heard the whole conversation.

"Where do you want me?" Riley asked.

"The beach." Emily rudely told her.

Kara gave a look of disgust to Emily before turning around to Riley.

"You should come to the beach, Riley." Kara smiled and directed her over to the other group on the benches.


"I feel like spending a day at the beach will be really good for us, we can get to know each other more and really just bond as a team."

"Look at the water!" Riley smiled.

"Man, I can't wait to start fishing." West exclaimed and pulled out a plastic fishing pole that was made for a child.

"Man, you can't actually fish with that." James told him.

"Of course you can!" West told him. "What do you call a pole with a rod and a hook?"

"A three year olds toy." James replied.

West took his sunglasses off and tan to the shallow end of the sea and dipped his small fishing pole into the water before immediately getting back up and going back to the group.

"Uh, you know what, guys? Maybe the fish are sleeping."

"Yeah. Yeah okay." They all replied together.

"I really hope he's just kidding.. but knowing West, he's probably not."

"That is such a cute necklace. I love it." Michelle told Riley.

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