1.29 this is how we do it

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this is how we do it

"I have two very excited dancers with me." Lisa told the camera. "These are the co-captains of The Next Step, Kara and Emily. And they have just discovered that they have snagged the coveted Wild Card spot, moving them into the semifinals. Congratulations, ladies. How do you feel?"

"Thank you. I guess the only way to describe it is 'excited'. I mean, it's definitely not something we expected or planned for even, but.." Emily trailed off as she looked at Kara.

"No, not at all. I mean.. it's honestly crazy." Kara smiled.

"Kara, when you were dancing and the situation with the piece happened, it getting caught in your glove, how were you feeling in that moment?" Lisa asked the brunette.

"Well, in all honesty I felt horrible that I did that to my team and at the time I thought they were going to hate me for it, but they didn't and they assured me that it would be okay and it was because we won the Wild Card spot." Kara told her.

"You're completely right, that doesn't even matter anymore because you are moving on to the semifinals. Competition starts to get fierce, right about here, because you're facing off against a very focused, determined team. Seeds. And as I understand, this is not actually going to be the first time that you've faced off against them. Is that true?"

"It is not the first time." Kara told her.

"Nope, this will be our second, actually. But.. we are determined to win this time and we've became closer as a team." Emily smiled.

"Exactly, ever since then we've gotten stronger as a team and we're ready to compete against them." Kara said.

"Great. Now, the two of you are co-captains of The Next Step. That's not a very commonly seen phenomenon in the dance world. Can you tell me a little bit about your relationship as co-captains?"

Emily looked to Kara and let out a little laugh.

"Our relationship, um.." Kara trailed off, trying to find the right way to describe it.

"Was a turbulent one.. but now it is smooth sailing." Emily looked to Kara to confirm it.

"It's smooth sailing, for sure." Kara smiled.

"So there's never tension between the two of you?" Lisa asked.

"Never!" Emily exclaimed as she put her arm around Kara.

"We just have to let everyone know that we do have a good relationship and in the end, we are friends."

"Well, ladies, I wish you the best of luck in the competition."

"Thank you." Kara and Emily smiled.

"That's Emily and Kara, co-captains of The Next Step, about to head in to the semifinals. Stay tuned." Lisa turned to the camera.


The group watched as Lisa went over to interview Amanda and the rest of the Elite team.

"I'm here with Amanda, the captain of the team from Elite Dance Academy and they have just come off of a tremendous win, scoring, in fact, the highest score in the competition so far. Amanda, congratulations. How are you feeling right now?" Lisa asked her.

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