2.10 i hope i get it

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i hope i get it

Kara had been walking into the studio with Kate when Richelle suddenly jumped out in front of them.

"Oh. Hi, Miss Kate." Richelle smiled.

"Hi, Richelle." Kate smiled back. "Um, what's up?

"I have some really bad news." Richelle told her. "If you hold auditions for J-troupe, then the whole group is threatening to leave the studio. They want guaranteed spots on the team."

"Really?" Kara laughed.

"Yeah." Richelle nodded.

"Okay, how about we make a compromise?" Kate suggested.

"Sure, how about three spots guaranteed?" Richelle suggested.

"Oh, so you're bargaining with me now?" Kate asked.

"Yes." Richelle smiled.

"What do you have to offer?" Kate pressured.

Richelle fell into a pit of silence as the words flew out of her mouth, Kara knew that Kate had gotten her there.

"Normally when you bargain with someone you offer the other person something." Kate told her.

"I don't have anything." Richelle admitted.

"That's called a bluff, and it didn't go very well." Kate told her with a small smile on her face. "Listen Richelle, I totally appreciate how keen you are, but everyone has to audition for J-troupe. If they're the best, they'll make it in."

"How about the best two?" Richelle suggested once again.

"Good luck." Kate smiled and walked off into her office.

"You'll get there one day, Richelle." Kara smiled to the young girl before trailing behind Kate.


"Five, six, seven eight." Emily counted in. "Big jump, Do the feet, hit, hit, one, and strong."

Emily and Kara were in Studio-A teaching the group of J-troupers the choreography for the audition there were going to be doing.

"Good, that was really good." Kara smiled.

"I know that I didn't have to be at J-troupe auditions, but I feel that I have to be here as my duty as a co-captain."

"You're gonna pull your leg right to your nose." Emily instructed. "Okay, that was really good guys. Five minute break if you wanna get some water or stretch, if you have questions don't be afraid to ask, okay?"

Kara and Emily stood with some of the J-troupers as they started asking them a few questions about the choreography.

Kara loved how even though they were in the middle of a break that they wanted to still learn the choreography, she knew that they were going to be amazing A-troupers one day and she couldn't wait to see what the next generation would bring.

Authors notes
this was basically just a filler chapter because there was nothing really to put into this episode!

written: 19th april 2021
published: 1st may 2021

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