3.01 coming home?

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coming home?

The team that won Nationals were officially back at their home studio and they couldn't believe that they won the second biggest competition of the dance season.

After winning Regionals and then going on to win Nationals, they knew they were finally ready to finally take on Internationals and win.

Michelle wasn't at the studio with the rest of the team, her parents had been in the middle of getting a divorce and Michelle was helping her mom find a place to live in Madison.

Unfortunately, Emily still hadn't recovered from her knee injury that took her out of the finals at Nationals.

Kara was waiting to hear back from the girl to see if she would be able to dance at all but she still hadn't heard a thing.

The duet Kara and James did at Nationals had definitely brought the two of them closer and they were certain on making sure they got a duet at Internationals.

Right now the dancers were celebrating their Nationals win in the studio with the only way they knew how: dance. All of the dancers now knew that they were being evicted and it could possibly jeopardise their chances of going to Internationals.

They had started packing up their stuff, but they still didn't know what it meant for The Next Step. They didn't have a place to dance and that was definitely a problem.


"I've been gone a week and Culture Shock has changed?" Michelle laughed as she looked around. "What's going on?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it went bankrupt and then Hidalgos bought it." Eldon told her.

"Actually, I thinks Hidolgo's." Thalia said.

"I'm pretty sure it's Hidolgo's." Amanda nodded.

"I'm pretty sure it's Hidalog's." Eldon muttered under his breath.

"Sorry what was that, Eldon? I couldn't hear you." Kara raised a hand to her ear in a mocking tone that caused the others to laugh.

"How did it go in Madison?" Thalia turned to Michelle.

"It was.. it was alright." Michelle hesitantly nodded. "My mom and I looked at twenty-four different town houses and she didn't like one of them. It's just so annoying my parents are driving me insane. I can't deal with them anymore."

"Well, at least you'll have two bedrooms now." Eldon attempted to lighten the mood.

"And you'll get to celebrate your birthday twice." Thalia added.

"And I know when my friends parents got divorced, she got a whole two new wardrobes." Amanda smiled. "And she got a puppy."

Kara and the rest of the team had accepted that Amanda had helped them win Nationals and she did it without any attempt at sabotaging them.

They had welcomed her into the team with open arms.

The five Next Step dancers turned once they saw Tess sit down next to Amanda with Chantelle by her side.

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