3.04 let the games begin

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let the games begin

It was the beginning of the competition and there was so much tense energy in the air as the Elite dancers stood on one side of the room and The Next Step the other.

"All right you guys. It's time for the competition." Kate called out as the three adults walked into the studio.

Phoebe held a red hat in her hand that obviously had everyone's names in. She looked everyone in the eyes as she waved her hand over the hat.

"All the names have been placed in the hat." Kate told them. "So let's begin."

If someone from the next step had their name called, and then another person from the same team had their name called, it meant that they would have to compete against each other and one of them wouldn't be able to go to internationals.

"Hunter." Phoebe called out.

Hunter ran to the front and stood beside Phoebe and the rest of the team cheered. Phoebe held the hat out for him to pick out a name.

He picked one out and once he read it to himself, his face dropped. "Eldon."

All the elite dancers started to clap and cheer at the fact that the first dance was going to be two dancers against the same studio.

Eldon reluctantly stood next to Eldon, the tension between them was thick.

"All right, you guys have an hour to rehearse and then you will come back and compete." Kate told them.

They were officially losing a member of the next step.


"All right. Round one, let's do it." Lucien grinned.

"Good look bro." Eldon hugged Hunter before he went to the middle of the floor.

This dance would be the tie breaker between the pair through all the dance battles that they had with each other.

Hunter danced the best he had ever danced, he knew that this dance would decide his future with the next step.

Everyone cheered as Hunter finished his dance and Eldon took his place.

He started his dance with a numerous amount of flips that would definitely set him higher than Hunter.

It was clear that Eldon was dancing better than Hunter had. Even some of the elite dancers felt slightly threatened.

"Okay, do we have a clear winner?" Kate asked as Eldon and Hunter walked back to the middle. "Everyone point to who you think should be on the team. One, two.. three."

Everyone immediately pointed to Eldon, even the whole of the Elite team did.

"Eldon, you are on the international team, you are officially the second dancer. I'm so sorry Hunter." Kate said.

Hunter walked over to Eldon and hugged him once again, he was taking it with his head held high and that was the best thing he could do.

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