2.27 run this town

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run this town

Kara, Giselle, Thalia and Michelle were stretching as they got ready to rehearse the nationals duet. Michelle needed all the help she could get.

"So, how's your mom?" Giselle asked Michelle.

"Oh, she's great." Michelle smiled. "Um, it's been a while since she's seen you guys, actually."

"How does it feel to be back at the studio?" Thalia asked.

"Um, it's a big relief." Michelle responded. "I missed you guys a lot and I tried so many different things, but nothing was a fit. Like, I tried improv, cheerleading, the debate club."

Kara looked towards Thalia and Giselle and Michelle talked to them and noticed the look the two were giving each other. There was no need for the sour look.

"Maybe we should start learning the first routine." Giselle suggested.

"Yeah." Thalia nodded.

"Already?" Michelle asked.

"We don't have that much time left before Nationals." Thalia told her.

"Okay." Michelle hesitantly answered.


The four girls had finally decided to take a break from learning the choreography. They sat with juices from culture shock in front of them.

They were talking about their futures and laughing as they did so.

"I think my biggest dream in life is to own my own company and, you know, just travel the world and share my love for the dance." Thalia told them.

"That's awesome." Kara commented.

"That sounds so fun." Michelle added.

"What's your biggest dream, Kara?" Giselle asked the brunette.

"Well, I would want to open a dance studio, just like The Next Step and teach people dance and share the love and passion that comes along side it." Kara told them as she thought about opening her own studio.

"I really see you being a studio owner." Thalia laughed.

"Totally." Michelle nodded.

Michelle and Kara noticed that it wasn't so awkward, Thalia and Giselle had finally warmed up to the blonde and weren't being so stand offish.

"How about you?" Thalia turned to Michelle.

"Um, well, I don't know. It's always been a dream of mine to be, like, on Broadway. Like, dancing and acting and, like, singing and, like, all different things." Michelle told them and Kara looked once again to Thalia and Giselle and saw the looms on their faces one again. "Just incorporating different styles into dance. Yeah."

Michelle looked at the two girls and noticed the same look that Kara noticed and immediately become self conscious once again.

"We should probably start teaching you the second routine." Thalia told her.

"Already?" Michelle asked.

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