3.05 the fallout

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the fallout

After James picked out his girlfriends name from the hat, Kate had told them that they had an hour to rehearse like everyone else did.

The tension was thick between the two, neither of them wanted to dance against each other for a place on the team. They knew that one of them wouldn't be making the team.

"I can't do this." Kara spoke up. They were both in the music room, trying to practice their solos in silence.

No matter how much rehearsal time Kara had, she would never be prepared at all for the next hour:

"Maybe we should just bow out." Kara suggested. "I'd rather not go to internationals than compete against you."

"Bow out? Riley, you can't bow out." James told her. "We're dancing for The Next Step, for the team."

James knew that Kara cared for the team immensely and he knew that if he told her to dance for the team, she would dance her hardest.

"Riley, promise me that you will dance as hard as you can, no matter what." James said.

"And what about you?" Kara asked.

"Of course." James nodded. "Of course I'll do the same. It's for the team. Promise me."

"Okay." Kara sighed. She knew he was right.

They were dancing for The Next Step and they couldn't let the team down.


It was time for the couple to compete against each other for a spot on the internationals team.

Everyone walked into the room, elite coming from one side and the next step coming out from the other.

"Okay, Kara, you're up first." Kate told the shaky girl.

James brought her into a hug before she went up to the middle of the room. "You can do this."

James had convinced her to dance her hardest and she was going to make she that's that what she would do.

The music started and Kara immediately shut out everything that was happening around her and immediately focused on the dance and nothing but that.

She was dancing the hardest she could with everything going on, and her hardest just happened to be her best.

She couldn't stop herself from glancing at James though, she could see how much this was torturing him, but they made a promise to each other so she had to keep dancing.

Everyone applauded as Kara finished in her pose at the end of the song. She walked back over to where James was stood, giving him a small smile before he walked over to where she was a few minutes prior.

It was James time to dance, so he walked over to the centre of the floor and waited for the music to start.

But when the music did start, he didn't do anything, he just stood in his place. He looked over at Kara who gave him a reassuring nod.

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