2.24 under pressure

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Under pressure

The group were watching Kara's solo and the group could already tell that she was ready for nationals.

It was technically perfect and matched the music perfectly.

"Good! Really deep in that plié." Kate called out.

The group started to cheer as the music dropped and more people filed into the room.

Kara could see as she danced that Emily was sat alone once again and she hated it. No one was putting their trust in Emily and instead they were putting it in Amanda.

If they knew what Amanda's real plan was then they would understand is all Kara thought. That would be when they understand why Emily is acting the way she was.

The group burst into applause as Kara finished her solo and the music stopped.

"Great job, Kara." Kate smiled. "All right. Well, now that I have you guys all here, I need someone to get trained in first aid for nationals."

At least one person from every team at nationals needed to have some sort of first aid training.

"Oh, uh, James will do it." Kara spoke up.

"Um, no I won't." James snickered.

"Why not?" Kara asked.

"That's not on the list." James exclaimed.

"Okay, how about I trade it for number seven?" Kara suggested.

"Number seven?" James asked.

"Yeah." Kara nodded.

"So, I don't have to learn juggling, or get my passport any more or any thing?" He asked.

"Nope." Kara shook her head.

"I am down to switch. Okay." James eagerly said. "On one condition though, if you do it with me."

This caused everyone to start cheering and kara in response to that just rolled her eyes at the group.

"Okay, okay. Fine, I'll do it." Kara held her hands up.

"Okay, great." Kate chimed.

"Doing first aid training kind of seems a little bit boring, but the fact that it's with James means it'll probably be kind of fun."


Kara sat with James in room full of people that were there to train first aid. They were waiting for the class to start.

"You know you get the benefit of saving lives from this, but what's more important is saving our relationship." James said. "You know that matters."

"Of course." Kara chuckled.

One James was done with this class then he had completed the list and he couldn't be anymore relieved.

"But hopefully, both involve mouth to mouth resuscitation, you know what I mean?" James asked and then turned to the old woman next to him. "Hey, how are you doing?"

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