2.2 my boyfriends back

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My boyfriends back

Kara walked into the studio with Riley and Emily to see a woman dancing to some kind of tribal music.

"As I enter the studio to get ready for our first day of rehearsals, I see this.. matured woman, doing some weird.. voodoo dance."

Stephanie and Tiffany walked in, followed by the rest of the group just as the three girls were taking there shoes off.

"Ziva." The women said randomly, causing all the dancers to open there mouths. "Ziva. Ziva. Ziva."

"What are you guys doing? Why aren't you guys warming up?" Kate asked as she walked into the room, not seeing the women sat in a yoga pose.

"Because we're watching this old lady dance." West told her. "You know what? I think she's possessed. I don't know."

"She's not old and she's not possessed. She's my sister." Kate told the boy before walking over to her, shocking everybody. "Phoebe!"

"Oh, Phoebe is Kates sister. That is so weird."

"She is going to be our new head choreographer." Kate told them causing them to nod in realisation.

"Namaste." Phoebe told them.

"Thank you so much for coming to our rescue. You're really saving us." Kate smiled.

"No problem. I save things all the time. When I got your call, I was actually saving dolphins, and I was like, "you know what, there's enough people here saving the dolphins. I need to save my sister," cause I love you. And I will grow to love each and everyone one of you, I'm sure. But, probably not as much as I love dolphins. So.." Phoebe told them, not taking a breath once.

"So, now that we have met Phoebe officially, um, I want to talk about the challenge." Kate told them.

"I don't mind some competition." West told them.

"No, I think we should stick to this team." Riley said, looking around.

"Actually, Kara and I discussed it and we thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and do The Challenge." Emily told them.

"If we do The Challenge, guys, we'll have the best national team, and I can only imagine how competitive nationals is." Kara told them.

"Okay, so, all in favour of The Challenge, please raise your hand." Kate said.

Emily, West, Kara, Chloe, Michelle, Daniel, Riley, Eldon, Giselle and Phoebe raised there hands, giving them the highest count.

"Okay, I guess we're doing The Challenge." Kate told them.  "I will send word out to all of the studios to let them know that The Next Step is holding auditions."

"Oh! I just love challenges! I remember my first challenge.." Phoebe smiled before it was wiped form her face. "I got cut."

The dancers looked at each other, realising what would happen if they got out danced. They would be gone.


"Hey, girl!" James smiled as he and Eldon ran up to Michelle and Kara.

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