2.4 the final cut

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the final cut

"Right now I'm in the music room helping James with a few moves in the choreography that he's struggling with, seeing as I really want him to be in A-troupe this year. I'm not helping too much though because I want everyone to have a fair chance."

"James?" Beth groaned as she came and stood in front of Kara.

"What?" James asked.

"Can you help me?"

"With what?" James laughed as he grabbed her shoulders and positioned her further away.

"The choreography. Please." Beth begged.

"I mean, there's so many other people that would be happy to help her out but she has to choose James."

"Actually, me and Kara will help you together." James told her, Kara immediately glaring at him.

"Yeah." Kara smiled.

"Fro the hip hop part. Ready? Five, six, seven, eight and a step. Pull."

"I promise you if James doesn't make A-troupe this year then he better run. fast."


Rewind started to play as the group practiced in the final moments they had.

"This is your last chance to prove yourselves." Phoebe yelled out to them.

"So let's have group one on the floor. Here we go." Kate yelled out.

*here's the video, I suggest watching it all because it's the whole audition and I'm simply too lazy to write it all.*

Group four had just gone, the last group, Stephanie had performed poorly and when she walked away from the middle of the room, Emily's eyes trailed on her along with the people stood beside her.

"Thank you." Kate smiled. "You guys, you're amazing. Thank you so much. It looks like we have a tough decision to make. So, we're going to go talk about it and we'll be back. Thank you."

Kara followed Kate as Emily walked over to Michelle and started speaking to her. Emily came back after getting the group of four juices as the contemplated the A-troupe auditions.

"She picked it up. She was the quickest one to pick it up and.." Phoebe trailed off.

"Well, you called her out." Kate interjected.

"The problem I had with her just after.. A, working with her at Elite, she was a worse version of myself." Emily told them.

"Let's give her the benefit of the doubt, she did really good." Kara told them. "What about west?"

"Okay, here's the thing about West, he doesn't have the technique. James can at-least do some
technique. West doesn't have any." Kate told them.

"You know what though, he has so much energy and I reallt admire that." Phoebe commented. "What about Stephanie? It wasn't good. She didn't show up to the choreo and she wasn't there."

"No, I don't want that kind of attitude." Emily told them.

"It's just.. it's tough, guys. She was part of the team that brought us to regionals." Kate told them. "If we talk about Stephanie, what about Tiffany?"

"She didn't draw my eyes in a bad way. It's just she was kind of..." Kara trailed off.

"She's just there." Kate completed, causing Kara to nod. "Daniel, I means we know he's an amazing dancer. He's got phenomenal technique. But he's just come off an injury."

After some time the four women had finally decided who would be in the nationals team.

"Okay, so are we happy with this choice?" Kate asked them.

"I feel like this is our Nationals team." Kara told them.

"I feel like it's really strong." Phoebe smiled.

"I think you guys are right." Kate said. "We're going to have a lot of disappointed dancers."

"The dancers that came to audition were amazing. There was no way we could keep all our original A-troupers. This isn't the team that won regionals but hopefully it will be the team that wins Nationals."

"Okay, guys, let's go tell everyone." Kate smiled at them. The four of them walked out into the main studio and waited as the dancers gathered around.

"It's official, we have our 13 dancers for A-troupe." Kate told them, causing them to applaud. "In A-troupe, we have.."










"And lost but definitely not least.. Amanda."

Amanda walked over to the line of new A-troupers as a light applause scattered the room.

"Kate!" Tiffany exclaimed as she ran over and stood in front of the four. "Why.. why did I not make the team?"

"Look, I know this is really hard but it's a part of auditioning. Okay? Sometimes this kind of stuff happens. I'm sorry."

Tiffany put her hand to her head as she walked out of the studio, tears running down her face.

Kara watched as Stephanie walked over to Emily and she knew it was going to be hell. Her own best friend agreed that she shouldn't be in A-troupe.

Stephanie got up and walked out of the room and everyone watched as she left, it was going to be different.

"It's going to be different with Stephanie and Tiffany, we all had amazing chemistry. But now, we have a stronger team and this is going to win us Nationals."

Authors notes

I'm sorry sorry I haven't updated in a while and that this is a short chapter, schools started so when I get home I'm really tired and being in my last year of school is tiring

Written: 13th March 2021
Published: 16th March 2021

903 words

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