Chapter 2: Exception

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Eldon's POV

"And by the way, wearing an earring and claiming yourself to be a "player", doesn't make you look like any less of a dick," I fire back, flicking the earring on Sanchez's ear.

"And neither does you looking like a fucking labradoodle," Sanchez retorts, talking about my blonde hair, his similar height as mine standing right in front of me.

Rider; one of the guys from the team chokes on a laugh, while Legend and Roman; two more guys on the team, smirk as well humorously.


"None of you can be speaking considering you three look like different fonts of each other," I point at Rider, Roman, and Sanchez.

"He's got you on that one," Legend laughs in agreement while the guy's faces look to be offended.

"I'm brown bitch!"

"My beauty is nothing compared to these motherfuckers," Rider scoffs as he shoots up from the floor.

"You have as much beauty as a fucking troll underneath a bridge," Roman comments tiredly.

"Listen up Sasquatch."

Now, this argument would have never started had Sanchez not been a grade-A asshole. Yes, he's on the team, and yes, we're friends, but shit does he know how to push someone's buttons. All he cares about is sleeping with other girls and then bragging about it later on. Now, is that the issue? No. It's just the way he talks about women that riles something up in me. And what makes me get even more upset is that I know it's fake. I know damn well that the second a woman comes into his life and puts him in his place, he'll never say shit like this again.

I can't wait for that day.

I look down at my phone after pulling it out of my pocket when it buzzed.

"I uhh...I have to go."

"Where? All your friends are here?" Sanchez ushers at the room.

I roll my eyes at him, grabbing my keys to pick up Ivy since apparently, she got drunk and can't tell Roman because...well, it's Roman and he'll completely lose it since she wasn't safe. She's basically like his little sister so he's super protective over her.

Ivy shares her location with me and I make my way to the club.

Right when I park outside, I see her and another girl with brunette hair holding two other women who look more wasted than anyone I've ever seen.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I throw my hands out once I get out of my car.

Ivy pushes the girl she was holding towards me, but thankfully, I catch her right on time.

"Get them home." She passes by me, casually taking a seat in the passenger side.

The girl with the red hair who is holding the other girl walks over to the car and sits her down before taking a seat herself.

I sigh as I take the girl now in my arms and set her cautiously down in the back. I then walk over and take a seat on the driver's side, glaring over at Ivy who laughs towards me as she squints her eyes.

"There are three of you." She points, obviously drunk as well.

"There will be three pieces of you if Roman finds out you were this drunk."

"You're not going to tell him." Her eyes widen at me.

"You know he'll kill me if he finds out himself."

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