Chapter 10: Dream

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Ivy's POV

"Kai," I breathe in, feeling his kisses against my jaw.

His hand tangle inside my hair, tilting my head back forcefully. His mouth lands right on my throat, his other hand digging into my side and bringing a side of pleasure I didn't even know I had.

He won't stop teasing and I fucking love it.

"Turn around," he demands into my ear.

The second I do, he grips his hand around my jaw, roughly kissing me and almost knocking me to my knees because of how badly I want him.

How badly I want him? What the hell is going on? Quick, Ivy, think of something weird like a big-ass donut with a llama in the middle of it.

...the fact that was my first thought shows that I should be more concerned about my thinking-on-the-spot skills than Kai kissing me.

My eyes begin to slowly open as I notice my surroundings.

I then see the man of the hour. Or five seconds because that's how long the dream lasted and that's probably how long he would last anyways. I mean, not that I know that because that would never happen. Not that I was thinking about it.

Just shut the fuck up at this point.

Kai is sitting on the bed beside me, using his laptop, looking very focused.

He said he wasn't going to sleep. I truthfully thought he was joking to make me feel better about us sharing a bed, but apparently not.

He feels me stirring which I'm guessing is why his head turns around to look at me.

"Sorry, do you want me to turn off the lamp?" he asks, worried that he's the reason I'm awake.

He kind of is if you think about it.

I shake my head no because there is no way I'm going back to sleep just in case I have that dream again. I'm already feeling wet, I'd rather not wake up with my panties soaked all because I imagined Kai kissing me.

Also, when the hell did I start getting wet from dreams? That's never happened to me in my entire life. I didn't even know it was possible, especially by a man.

These are my thoughts so I can wonder these things without anyone knowing, but why did that kiss feel like the one we shared in front of Eliza, just rougher? Which then leads to why did it make me wet? It didn't make me wet when he kissed me in real life. It made my stomach hurt, but that must've been from the food poisoning I've been struggling with.

I'm not talking about this shit anymore. I'm obviously sleep deprived and I hear that gives you odd dreams.

Where'd you hear that from, Ivy? Fuck off. This is not the time to be sarcastic with myself. I'm obviously losing my mind.

I decide to get up and shower.

Oh, because you're wet from a dream you had about almost fucking Kai? Is that why you're showering?

I hate myself.

After washing my entire body, I grab one of the hotel toothbrushes and begin brushing my teeth and doing my makeup. Kai had let me grab my backpack from my car before we left in which I keep a going-out makeup bag for emergencies or if I ever decide to sleepover somewhere.

I don't need makeup when I'm by myself, but when I'm with other people, it's important to me to look...I don't know, awake and ready.

I walk out in just my towel since I put my clothes in the washer and dryer so they could at least be clean when I put them back on. If I would have known I was going on a surprise trip to New York, my entire closet would have been with me. I feel almost empty without it.

Worse for Love- Book #3 in the WF SeriesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara