Chapter 51: Courthouse

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Ivy's POV

He stares at me blankly. Not one thought of his processing what I just said.

I would love to kiss him and do other things as well in every corner of this fucking maze, but we do not have time to skip past what I came here to do. Otherwise, I would've eased into it.

Fucking in a tunnel would be something I'd mark off my bucket list. No, Ivy. Focus.

I don't think he thought those words would ever come out of my mouth by how he's rendered speechless. Neither did I, so I understand.

"Did you...who told you?" He puts the pieces together quickly since I'm guessing he knew about the loophole and didn't tell me on purpose. I get it though. I made my views clear a long time ago, but that doesn't mean that I always believed in them, especially when he was around.

"It doesn't matter. We need to get to a courthouse." I grab his hand and am about to pull him out of this shit hole, but he tugs me back immediately.

"Ivy, we're not getting married," he whisper-shouts.

"Kai, yes we are," I argue.

"You made it clear to me that you never wanted to get married, and I'm not changing your expectations in life for me."

That would be counted as very sweet on a regular basis, but this is not the time to win Boyfriend of the Century.

"And not falling in love with someone was also a part of my expectations, but guess what? That didn't happen. Happy?" I grit out before I can even think about what just came out of my mouth.

He freezes again when I'm trying to pull him away again.

I adore the effect I have on him.

Of course, I made it very clear that I would never fall in love with anyone and I told him that at the beginning of our relationship. Did that stop my dumbass emotions from doing the exact opposite? No. No, it did not. So here we are. Turns out, those weird, reoccurring thoughts that made me question everything weren't just nothing, nor was the constant necessity of needing him in my life, whether it was with me or him just there. I would prefer with me obviously, but if he was still there and never got with anyone else because I would gut him alive if he did, then that would be...not okay. I would kill him either way.

Footsteps hitting the floorboard harshly are heard from behind us.

"Kai, please. Can we at least just get out of here? It's dark and I'm scared of-."

The second he hears I'm afraid, he's walking with his hand protectively and securely around my back immediately.

Oh. That's all it took? Damn, I should've started with that.

We get out of the fucking dungeon and I take him to the exit I came out of.

Almost like Luke senses us, his car pulls up to where we are, appearing out of thin air.

Are agents also born with the gift of teleportation? Is that how they're chosen?

He gets out of the car and tosses the keys to me.

"Why the hell would you tell her?" Kai scolds Luke angrily.

"Because I like to see people happy, my bad." Luke holds his heart sarcastically.

A flash of realization crosses his face though almost right after when he sees that he's speaking to his boss.

"Sir," he corrects himself, swallowing nervously, Kai even a little surprised by his sudden tone.

Worse for Love- Book #3 in the WF SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now