Chapter 25: Class

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Ivy's POV

Is it bad that I'm actually kind of glad the whole argument with Kai happened because I'm not even thinking about Leo?

We're now headed back home on the plane.

Throughout this entire trip, my mother has called me every morning and every night to be sure that I'm alright. I've lied about where I am and who I am with each time. It's not like I haven't been somewhere where I'm not supposed to be before, but definitely not in a different state with government agents on their private jet.

If she were to ever find out, I don't know how or even if I could explain it to her, physically or legally.

Technically, Kai and I are still a couple which means we can't be seen sitting in different areas or else it might look bad. Especially because I'm sure everyone heard a little bit of the argument from outside the room.

They've been giving those shitty eyes that people give couples when they suspect issues going on.

If Kai isn't speaking, then neither am I. I don't care if that's petty.

Then again, he apologized and told me he'd give me space so I doubt he would try to start a conversation.

I could give a test trial and ask for a bottle of water to see what he does.

This is so sad. I can't believe I'm second-guessing myself over if a man is speaking to me or not. Who the hell am I turning into?

"Is there water?" I finally put it to the test.

Why is there a part of me that hopes that he'll pull the dickish move and be disrespectful or just flat-out ignore me? Probably because everything he said was somewhat true and I don't wait to.

Moving on.

Kai looks over from his computer.

The case is over, yet he's already on the next three. It's crazy how time-consuming his job is.

"Here." He takes the bottle sitting on his desk which is for him and hands it over to me.

"You're a bitch, you know that?" I snap.

He stares at me for a second and then at the bottle.

"Did you not like the brand?"

"Be a dick to me. I was so rude to you and you still are choosing to be the nicest person I've ever met. Tell me that I led you on and it's my fault. Tell me that you can't stand me or you only wanted me for my body anyways."

His worry escalates through the roof.

"You think I wanted to use you for your body?"

Oh, look. There's the genuine concern again. The one time I want a man to actually be an asshole to me and he won't.

I've gone mad.

"That's what all men say when you reject them. That you were ugly and they only ever wanted you for your body anyway. So tell me that and get rid of this." I usher toward the tension in the air between us.

"Ivy, I'm not saying any of that because first of all, I wouldn't have said what I did had I believed anything you just said, and two, I'm not being a dick because you said no. It's your decision and I'm not going to sit here and guilt trip you into changing your answer by saying something about how you led me on. That's stupid and no one deserves that."

...I quit.

"Do you still want the water?" He holds it out for me even though I know he's aware of how complicated I'm being. I don't even understand what I'm doing.

Worse for Love- Book #3 in the WF SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now