Chapter 3: Breakup

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Ivy's POV

Someone knocks on my door when I'm back at my hotel room in the building my mother owns. My dad used to own it before he passed away so he gave it over to my mom in his will.

The minute I open the door, my heart drops at the sight of Eliza balling her eyeballs out.

"What happened!?" I quickly wrap her in a hug.

I don't care what happened, I will be on her side. What if she killed someone? We'll hide the truth and no one will ever know. I've watched enough crime shows to know what to and what not to do. We'll blame Roman and Rider.

Sounds like a plan.

"He broke up with me," she cries into my shoulder.

My heart breaks for her weak sobs.

"I'm so sorry." I hold her tighter before bringing her inside and taking her to my bed.

She tells me every detail while sobbing and I listen along, killing him inside my head, a slow and painful murder that I already have planned out.

Apparently, Eliza was going too "slow" and he was looking for someone to be more "intimate" with.

Asshole. Bitch. Cunt. I can think of so many more synonyms.

"I know this sounds cliche, but you're actually better off without him. You don't need that dick in your life and guess what? He'll never find someone like you in his entire life. That's a huge loss for him," I try my best to cheer her up as she breaks down on my bed.

"I know. It still hurts though." She shrugs before wiping the tears off her cheeks.

"I'm not gonna sugar coat it, it's going to hurt like a bitch. But then you'll start to realize you actually are better off without him, and that'll feel fucking amazing. You just got to give it time."

"You're really good at this breakup talk thing," she laughs while tears still fall from her eyes uncontrollably.

"I've helped all my friends through breakups. You learn along the way what's the truth and what isn't."

"You've never been in a breakup?" she asks a little shocked.

"I've never been in a relationship," I laugh.

Her eyes widen at that comment. "Never?"

"Nope." I shake my head. "Don't believe in it. Hooking up is fine. Relationships are a whole different story."

Now that one comment makes Eliza's eyes literally pop out of their sockets, and that's surprising considering her eyes are bright red and squinted from her constant tears.

"You don't believe in love!" she exclaims like I've said I hate kittens.

I actually love kittens. I'm not a monster.

"I believe in it. Like a daughter loves her mother or her father. Now relationship love like boyfriend and girlfriend or married couple, don't buy it. I think it never lasts."

The only people I believe were actually in love were my parents, and we all know how that turned out so why would I believe in love if that's what it leads to? It's all a fairytale in my opinion, especially the happy ending where the couple actually stays in love or together in general. Everything always goes to shit. Although, I would never turn someone away for believing they are in love because those are my beliefs for myself. I want them to be happy so if that person healthily does that, then yes, I will help and support them.

Worse for Love- Book #3 in the WF SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now