Chapter 4: Contract

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Ivy's POV

"Okay, Eliza's almost here. Just remember, we're dating," I remind Eldon, or excuse me again, Kai.

It's going to take a second to get used to that.

"I really don't think this is a good idea," he says for the hundredth time.

"What's the worst that can happen?" I ask, confused as to why he could be so opposed to the idea of dating me.

I mean, I may not be the best looking, but I'm definitely not ugly.

"What if Roman finds out?"

"That's a you problem." I shrug.

The door opens and I immediately turn my head around to face Eliza. Kai shoots up from the couch and stands beside me with his arm awkwardly around my back, the distance between him and me a good five inches.

I quickly wrap my arm around him and tug him toward me. I feel him look down at me when I make the move, but I try to focus on Eliza instead of his most likely surprised expression.

"Hey, I got the pizza, but they didn't have the sauce you wanted." She walks in with two boxes of pizza in her hands.

"Hey! Oh, by the way, this is the...boyfriend I was telling you about. Eld-Kai, meet Eliza." I hold my hand out, ushering towards her after struggling to even get the title out and on top of that, butchering up his name.

"Here, let me take those." Kai takes the boxes off of her hands respectfully.

She's about to object, but he's already got them in his arms and is walking towards the kitchen.

"He's your boyfriend?" she whispers so he won't here us, genuinely stunned.

"Yeah...why?" I question, pretending to be confused.

"He just doesn't...seem like your type."

"What's my type?" I laugh, knowing full and well what she's talking about.

"Not him." She ushers her head as he's making his way back over to us.

"What? You think I'm making it up." I try to laugh at the obscurity even though she's a hundred percent right. "...honey, can you believe this. Eliza thinks that you and I are making up our relationship."

Kai looks down at me, giving a look that reads "What the fuck have I gotten myself into" and also "What the hell did you just call me" which honestly, I get. It's torturing me just as much as it is him.

I nudge his rib discreetly, giving him the signal to say something.

"Oh, Ivy and I are probably the best couple you'll ever meet," Kai finally gets the signal to speak.

Eliza nods upwards, looking skeptical at us.

"Fine, kiss her."

Oh, dear god!

I force a wide smile. "Pardon?"

"You always tell me that if a man is too scared to show his affection out in public, then he's not worth it and I shouldn't waste my time on him."

Shit, I did say that. Maybe I should just shut the hell up from now on because everything I'm saying is biting me in the ass.

I look up at Kai who looks like he's going to break character any second now. I look back at Eliza and see she's waiting.

Great. Who let me have smart friends and why have I been giving them good advice?!


Just get it over with.

Worse for Love- Book #3 in the WF SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now