Chapter 35: Fight

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Ivy's POV

"...and don't forget you can get kidnapped so only go out during the daytime and have-."

"My taser on me," I finish my mom's lecture after she has repeated her lessons for about the millionth time.

Tears swarm her eyes immediately and she better stop that. We're at an airport and I don't want her thinking that we're saying goodbye forever. I told her I'd call her right after I got off the plane too.

"No." She holds her hands out when she remembers my lecture on how she's not allowed to cry.

"Too fucking late," I sigh as water is already falling from my eyes.

I pull her in for a hug and she tightly holds me.

"I love you, sweetie."

"I love you too. I promise I'll text you the second I land," I sniff.

"I want updates every second." She wipes the water away on my cheeks for me.

I laugh, agreeing to that because I wouldn't expect any less from her.

We say our final goodbyes and I throw in an extra hug even though she told me to go.

I grab my suitcase and board the plane. My mom doesn't know this, but I literally bawled my eyeballs out last night because I'm leaving her. I couldn't cry as much right now because I used all my water supply out last night.

She's my mom. She has her moments, but she's still my mom and I love her more than anything or anyone. I thought I had three more years before I left her, and I was holding onto that. But she's the same person as me. We don't show our emotions to make sure the other person won't either. Right now, I'm grateful she held back because I most likely would've grabbed my bag and gone home with her had she let out what she was actually feeling.

The plane ride is long and the food sucks ass.

Kai left two days ago so he should already be there by now. This sounds so unlike me, but we've been texting ever since the park.

I know, take me to bitch-land right now.

Our texts vary from so many things. First, he would tell me not to bring a specific item because I wouldn't need it and then I would follow that statement up with another item I should bring.

I don't give a fuck if I overpacked. We never know what could happen.

Then we would talk about...our days.

Yeah, leave me alone.

I couldn't sleep on the plane for very long because I hate sleeping in places that aren't a comfortable bed or—never mind. My neck hurts, I feel like I'm being stared at by random people even though I know I'm not—in all, it's just an uncomfortable sensation.

I'm going to be living in Cannes because that's where Selma's team is. I'm excited, but then again, it's a brand new place and culture that I'll have to get used to which is a little scary to think about. At the same time I'm working my internship, I'm also taking online classes to complete my degree. It's something that's important to me and my mom and I would just prefer to have a degree as a backup. Who knows? Maybe I'll finish early.

I get off the plane and immediately text my mom that I've arrived. Once she's responded, I grab my luggage and take a taxi to the apartment I had to get on such short notice.

It's not spectacular, but it's what my mom and I could afford so I absolutely love it. Was there a fight almost broken out when I was entering the building? Yes, but that just adds to the entertainment.

Worse for Love- Book #3 in the WF SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now