Chapter 19: Stomach Virus

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Ivy's POV

"I'm going to hand you a stun gun. Please shoot it anywhere but at me." He shows me something so much better than my regular taser.

Oh my god, I'm changing career paths.

I take it instantly, in awe at how many people I could take down with this thing.

Bring those guys that were chasing me in the alley back. They can help me get the hang of this.

"Who do I get to tase first? Please say Rivers," I beg from the bottom of my heart, finding an alternative trial subject.

"Hold it towards me."

"I thought you said I'm now allowed to tase you."

"Don't actually do anything, just hold it towards me."

I do as he says, surprised by how much power I could hold if a random man were to come up to me and couldn't take no for an answer. Oh, the fun I would have.

Out of nowhere, he slaps the gun out of my hand with no effort.

"What the fuck!" I shout, glancing between him and the gun now across the room.

"That's why you don't just point a taser at someone unless you know how to hold it and how to have a firm grip. Now let's try again." He motions toward the gun.

I'm about to walk over to get it when suddenly, this asshole decides to grab my hand, spin me around, and hold me against his chest.

I admit, my breath does leave my chest. Only because it was so random.

His mouth is felt inch near my ear with his hand holding my arm behind my back, the control he maintains almost a turn-on. Almost. Obviously.

I think the stomach virus is returning. God, it just won't go away. I think Kai is infecting me with it since it's only been happening when he's been around me.

"When a gun gets taken from you and you need to retrieve it, you never forget to watch your back. Your gun isn't the main concern, your safety and life are," he says lowly.

I nod, swallowing since this is all news to me.

After that horrible first try, Kai actually teaches me how to use the stun gun and how to hold it. He then tries to slap it, and when he isn't able to, he realizes that I'm learning.

See! I told him I could do it. This is easy work.

"Don't get comfortable. We haven't started yet." He walks over to a mat, reading my mind.

What if I called him an asshole in my head for slapping that out of my hand like that? You think he could hear me? That could be how he's so good at his job.


I look at him to see if he heard it. He doesn't look back.


"Please tell me you aren't going to tase me because I will break your fucking bones," I threaten since I've watched those videos of cops getting trained.

"You're going to fight me." He begins to roll up his cuffs, revealing the veins on the back of his hands from his forearms.

That's fucking hot.

I'm human, okay. Sue me.

"You know I took boxing classes, right?"

"I'm aware, you tried to fight Rider a few times." He grins.

Worse for Love- Book #3 in the WF SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now