Chapter 6: Rain

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Ivy's POV

I try my best to not think about the fact that Eliza and Garrett are most likely imagining me doing a fucking baby voice the entire dinner.

Eliza and I took a break in the restroom after we were finished eating so I could make sure that she was comfortable and wasn't just staying because she felt like she had to. She told me that she actually likes him and may even go on a one-on-one date with him, so I guess we're good.

Garrett even kissed Eliza on the cheek and Eliza practically became a tomato.

They are now talking near Eliza's car and also happen to be glancing over at us so Kai and I are putting on the best show we can.

"Are they still looking?" I ask him.

He glances over very discreetly.

"Not right now. How'd I do by the way?" He's leaning his back against my car, my arms wrapped around me to shield myself from the awkwardness.

"Besides the baby voice comment?" I question, still snarky about that.

"You know, for someone who's so defensive, you are almost making me believe that you do have one." He smirks deviously which again, is very odd to see from golden boy himself.

"Next time, I'm telling them that you wear flamingo underwear," I retort.

"And I won't get defensive over it because it's not true."

My glare intensifies. "I-." I'm about to speak, but get cut off.

He all of a sudden tugs me closer to him, my chest hitting his stomach. I'm almost chin-level to him so I can see every distinct feature, even in the dark.

Like I've said, epitome of the perfect guy.

Sharp jaw, blueish-green eyes, perfect nose, high cheekbones, pink, heart-shaped lips, smooth skin. Everything about him screams white picket fence with seven kids in the suburbs.

The sickness from how perfect he is must be the reason for the knot in my stomach.

"They're watching," he warns.

"What the hell do couples do before they leave?"

"Tell me if you want me to stop," he warns.

"Stop wha-." I'm about to ask what he's speaking about when my words abruptly get cut off.

Kai pulls me even closer to him, his arm going around my lower back and his other hand reaching to my head. I honestly don't know what to do, but I take a wild guess which is why I put both my arms around him slowly, in denial that we're actually hugging right now.

For a man, he smells pretty good.

The hug is tolerable, I guess.

The light kiss he leaves on my jawline before he pulls away is okay too. It makes me feel something-probably the food I just ate digesting.

There's a weird pause before Kai says we're good. I don't know why it's there though, but I also don't pay much attention to it.

"I have to leave," he informs me which I don't mind since he did tell me that he had stuff going on later tonight.

I nod, my throat making it hard to talk. No idea why so don't ask.

Worse for Love- Book #3 in the WF SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now