Chapter 40: Belt

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Ivy's POV

Up until six p.m., I spend the day at the office, working on my sketch.

I don't want to be one of those new people who create a good idea but don't try other things that could potentially be better. I want to use every idea that I have come up with and put it into this one belt.

That would be my reasoning for pinning over twenty designs on the board. Ten others didn't make the cut.

Selma walks in to I'm guessing say goodnight since it's getting late before her eyes land on my work.

She's taken aback immediately.

"Wow! No wonder you haven't left this room," she laughs.

"I still have a few more ideas, but if you need them right now, I can give you the best ones." I put my sketch pen down.

"No, absolutely not! With this much work, you may just take up the entire catalog with belts," she laughs.

I smile, happy that she isn't expecting a deadline because I have so many more ideas coming to mind every second.

"But I don't want you burning yourself out, so how about you pack up for the night and I'll see you Monday."

I nod, a little tired from using so much of my brain, but still exhilarated and in a slight state of shock that I've officially taken a step toward my career.

"How's Kai doing by the way? I bet working in the FBI has you worried," she observes all my designs while speaking.

For a second, I almost forgot about Kai and our argument. Okay, so I forced myself to "forget" so I could solely focus on my designs. Still, I didn't properly pay mind to those gnawing thoughts until Selma said his name. Let's be proud.

"He's good. And you get used to it." Complete and utter lie. I doubt I could ever get used to it.

"Ivy, I choose not to be one of those bosses who people can't speak to freely. Be honest. I'm not one to judge."

I hate talking about things I'm upset about. And with my boss too that I just started working for! It goes against everything I believe in.

"Nothing. Our relationship is just...complicated," I decide to say what everyone does when they have an issue in their relationship that they don't want to speak about or acknowledge.

"Can I tell you a secret?" she lowers her voice, setting one of my sketches down.

I nod professionally, internally not believing that Selma fucking Hudson of all people is telling me a secret. I hope she knows that I would sell my right and left kidney for her.

"What did Kai tell you when he got you an interview with me?"

"Just that he scheduled an interview."

"Well, he wasn't lying, I want to make that clear." The temptation to make a petty comment about his lying record almost leaves my lips, but I have to physically refrain myself from saying something.

"He just left out the part about his rant of how amazing at designing and fashion you are."

I'm a little surprised by her revelation because I never thought Kai really understood my love for my career path. I feel like a lot of people I explain that to don't understand the extent I would go to.

"The funny thing was, I didn't even ask him about a description, yet he gave me a whole run-through about how dedicated, strong, and independent you are. He told me he's never seen you wear a bad outfit, that you know every detail about style, and you won't hesitate to comment on it to help somebody. I haven't heard someone speak so highly of an individual in my entire life. And that was without asking," she laughs again. "I wonder what would've happened had I asked about you."

Worse for Love- Book #3 in the WF SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now