Chapter 38: Window

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Warning: This chapter goes into detail about guns, murder, and rape. Please don't read if you feel triggered by any of these topics.

Kai's POV

"Luke, I need you on the other side," I demand, putting my vest on.

We're hoping to stop this before it begins, but we all know that there will be crossfire no matter what so we have to be prepared.

Moving here meant I have access to a whole army of agents whenever needed. My team stays at my headquarters while the others stay at another one, working with us. They were brought here from different locations, but it came with a much larger pay. Every one of them is also aware that I'm not stupid. I have a good relationship with the director who as I've said, is highly aware that I take my job seriously. Being under my command for them could mean that either they could learn from me or they could put me down as a reference if accepted for a promotion. I'm not saying this to be a cocky ass. I'm saying it because it's something everyone knows. Only a few chiefs hold enough power to influence the director's decisions to an extent, and I happen to be very close to the top of that list, mostly because of how much experience I have staying underneath the radar due to what I spent my teenage years executing.

Thankfully, I don't have to deal with the head of an agency any longer and their need to be in charge.

"Theo and everyone else, behind me. Kennedy, you're with the agents to your right." I point and they obey immediately. "Rivers?" I push my earpiece, looking at him with the other agents as they're preparing their snipers.

"Good to go, sir."

"If any of you are shot, you do your best to make it out. There are medics in the back for this reason. Any of you go against my orders, they may not kill you but I will." I load my gun. "If someone is down, you help them if accessible. You signed up for this job, so if no one can help you, we'll try to do it whenever we can. If not, we thank you for your service. Everything understood?" I have to keep my voice authoritative or else it may seem like I'm not confident in us. That'll result in them losing belief in themselves and I couldn't bear to see the outcome of that.

"Yes, sir," they all respond in unison, some in my earpiece since I spoke into it as well.

We discreetly head into the street they're preparing in, an abandoned one where I doubt anyone would even think about driving down. I had made sure we parked far enough to where they wouldn't be able to know we were ambushing them, and I was right. The head of the gang and his members are standing in the distance, speaking to one another, with no idea that anyone could be here.

The second the head hears the slight sound of a footstep though, because of his life and how many threats he has to watch out for, he turns around to check for anything there. That only results in him finding agents surrounding him and his members.

We don't even have a chance to talk before he's shouted at his men to shoot, making us get undercover instantly as we shoot back at the same time.

We caught them before they entered the neighborhood which was their target, so we're hoping we can take the head out and as many men to ensure that nothing will take place tonight.

However, if the head of the gang is shot, their entire organization falls apart and they'll become stupidly careless which always results in them losing. I've heard of their group. They respect the hell out of him and need him to make the orders. That's why he's our number one target, and also why he's being covered for the most.

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