Chapter 17: Couch

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Ivy's POV

I think I went to bed at about four in the morning last night.

Do you understand how embarrassing it is to lose sleep over what Kai said to me? I've hit a new low.

By the time I woke up, Kai was already in the kitchen, back from his interrogation. He was wearing his white button-up and black pants like I'd seen him in before at his office, and my stomach for some reason did a flip.

I hope I get rid of this food poisoning issue soon.

Usually, I wake up pretty early since I go to the gym and then maybe run some errands, but today, I let myself sleep in due to the circumstances. I did my makeup because that part of my routine hasn't changed. I'm glad I packed just the right amount before I left.

I also changed into a very lightweight, black buttoned-up crop top with full sleeves, and then threw on some gray sweatpants.

"Have you eaten breakfast?" Kai asks.

"What do you have?" I open the fridge, seeing one carton of milk, a couple of eggs, and that's about it.

"Not a lot. That's why I was going to be shocked if you said yes."

I go into his pantry and see it is also absolutely empty.

This is an abomination to someone like me who literally loves to eat. And that's not a binge-eating disorder joke. But it would've been a funny one if it was. Damn, missed opportunity.

"We need to go to the store, ASAP. Kai, what the hell do you eat when you're home?"

"You seem to have forgotten that I'm rarely home."

Okay, from now on, I'm not pointing out he's smiling anymore. You can just imagine it's every second of the day. When I say there isn't a smile, then we should all be worried. That's how I felt when I went to his office and saw how serious he was there which makes sense. He isn't dealing with anything light in the slightest.

"What's your favorite snack?" I ask a very important question.

"Don't eat many."

My heart feels like a stick has been shoved into it.

"What's your favorite kind of ice cream? And if you say vanilla, I will never speak to you again."

He folds his lips. Not that I was watching his lips before he did that. Just wanted to put that out there.

"Kai! That's horrible! We're going to the store and I'm helping you get your taste buds back."

And that's what we do.

Kai drives us to the store, thankfully not talking about last night. I'm still thinking about it, but I think he understands that and doesn't want to push me.

Odd, a man who can read the room.

For the ten-minute car ride, I asked him if he had ever had any of my favorite snacks and he said no to almost all of them.

My heart almost broke at that.

We get to the store and I take Kai to the chips aisle first because we have to start slow.

"Do you prefer spicy, salty, or sweet?" I ask.

"You pick." He shrugs.

I okay to that, grabbing a bag of Hot Cheetos, the purple and blue bags of Doritos, and some plain salted chips because Kai may be basic. The crunchy, kettle ones though.

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