Chapter 14: Explanation

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Ivy's POV

I step out from hiding and walk over to where Kai is.

You know, just standing near the bodies he easily knocked the light out of. A regular night everyone.

"Can you teach me that?" I have to ask because come on! Imagine me just hitting somebody against a wall and bam! They're out.

"What the hell were you thinking? Ivy, out of all people, I would expect you to be the one out of dark alleys in the middle of the night," his anger and disappointed tone comes out of nowhere, not loud, but expressive enough.

I've never seen him mad at me. Absolutely not. Just shut up at this point.

"I didn't fucking teleport here for fun!" I shout back. "You think I wandered off in the dark where I doubt civilization would be able to find me for a breath of fresh air?! They were dealing and I walked the other way. I thought it was the best idea instead of joining in on the fun."

"There you are!" Agent Kennedy runs over when she spots us. "Drugs?" she asks, not even surprised by the two men laying flat out in front of us.

"Back two pockets. Should be around one bag. Don't think they were doing more than some smaller deals," Kai says without a hint of sweat on his forehead.

Me, on the other hand, I'm a downright mess on the inside. Not on the outside since I kind of have a full face of makeup on and I'm having a good skin day, but you get the point.

"I'll take him and then come back for the other one," she says, picking him up with ease and carrying him to her car I'm guessing.

The other guy is apparently stronger than the other guy since I notice him turning around in pure anger and adrenaline. Kai realizes it too and he's probably about to punch him or take more brain cells out of his head by that wall, but I beat him to it.

I take the pointy heel I'm wearing and kick him straight in the face, making him hold it in agony.

While he does that, I take my taser that I retrieved after it was slapped out of my hand and stick it right into his side.

"One, two, three, four, five," I count, and just like that, he's back to being unconscious.

I stand back up, relieved.

"Oh, that felt so good," I exhale, the tension leaving my body just like that.

I expected Kai to get mad at me for not letting him handle it, but instead, I see something else.

A hint of a proud smirk.

"I can't stand you," he starts laughing at the floor.

The okay sound makes something happen. I don't know what. I don't know what to even call it. Something just happens inside of me.

I can't help but smile at seeing him laugh like that.

"What? You think he didn't deserve it?"

"Trust me, if you weren't with me and I even saw him reach for a weapon, he would've been gone."

Again, why is that...Ivy, please. For your own dignity's sake. Stop. Thinking.

Agent Kennedy returns to pick up the other guy.

"What were you guys even doing out here?" Right after she asks that, her eyes widen.

"Were you guys...?"

I nod instantly. "I was almost finished too."

I look up at Kai who rolls his eyes down at me while I innocently smile back at him.

Worse for Love- Book #3 in the WF SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now