Chapter 20: Training

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Ivy's POV

These past few days have been filled with training. According to my mom though, I must be Einstein considering how much I've been "studying".

My legs hurt more than they ever have. My arms are having to be forced to move up, but because of the adrenaline, I'm able to. I probably have a few bruises over my body from running into things because that's how tired the training has got me. Had I not had Kai training me on how to do things properly, I might've had a few fractured bones.

There have been a lot of times when Kai has had to tell me to not treat this like a game. He's very adamant about the subject and I get it. He understands that I'm new and need time to get used to all of this, but then again, he's not taking it easy on me.

I love it.

The feeling of a challenge is one of my favorites. It creates a sense of worth and something to work towards. I never thought it would be working toward something that dealt with confidential government cases, but here we are.

Right now, we're working on self-defense. We've been at it for hours now, and the adrenaline is only rising.

I thought we were just seeing what would happen if someone were to try and hit me. That's actually what we have been working on. Again, that's what I thought.

Up until this very moment.

I do the punch we've been practicing, but Kai never trained me on what would happen if the person were to grab my wrists and put them around my back. I thought that was kind of our job since we put on the handcuffs.

What I also wasn't ready for was him pushing me against the wall. With said arms behind my back, need I remind you.

Goddamn it!

Pictures start playing in my mind. Pictures that aren't welcome. Ones that include his pants off with mine, him pushing into me harder and harder, and-Ivy, get a grip! If something like this makes you lose focus, then he won't let you go on this case and I don't know if you are aware of this, but you're a very stubborn person and don't like to be proven wrong.

So fucking focus!

I push as hard as I can back which makes him push me harder against the wall.

That was obviously a part of the plan and definitely not because of the images I wanted to recreate. For sure.

I kick back against his shin, and he's taken back by the sudden jolt.

The second I feel his small step back, I push harder, reach for his holster, and take the stun gun out just like how he taught me earlier.

He tries to slap it out of my hand, but I keep my grip tight. I then push it against his chest, grab his hand that comes to take it out of my hands, then his other hand, and do the same thing he did to me, pinning him against the wall with the gun pushed against his back.

Someone bring Roman and Rider in here so I can practice these tricks I'm learning! No, bring Sebastian. Please bring Sebastian.

"It's because you have a bigger heel," he defends himself.

"Sure," I sarcastically retort, watching the smirk that he can't control pull onto his lips even though I currently have his face and body pinned against the wall.

All of a sudden, he slaps the taser gun into the air and pins me right back against the wall, resulting with me in the same position I was in when we started.

I was so close.

"Never get cocky," he lowly says, my heart beating out of my chest.

Worse for Love- Book #3 in the WF SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now