Chapter 30: Chair

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Ivy's POV

Later, after that entire exchange in Kai's bed, I had to head back home to get a change of clothes.

I saw him again though when we said goodbye to Rider and Roman at Uncle B's house.

Also, Alaiya and Roman did in fact admit to liking each other, and once again, I was right. What's new though since I'm basically Cupid at this point. They did a little more than admit things actually since I did have to grab Alaiya some clothes before I got there.

You won't ever believe this either, but apparently, Roman has a heart. I know, my mouth was wide open too!

He told Alaiya that she should take time for herself and that they'll get together once she's healed from all the shit she's been through.

Alaiya is obviously making him into her little bitch and I love it! I'm going to ask her to bring up him buying me a Tesla.

It's got to work.

I was also told before I left Kai's house that he told Roman about us even before I had admitted everything to him. I took offense because I like to think I hid it pretty well.

Something funny though is that Kai had to pretend to be afraid of what Roman could do. He had to act like the reason he was afraid was because Roman may kill him, not because he didn't want to betray his trust.

Kai is the one with the gun. He has the training and skills to lie or act easily, but I know that the little trust he is able to give to people, he doesn't take lightly so he pretended to be afraid of Roman's reaction. Plus, it's not like he could start acting like a different person that correlates to his job. He needs to continue to pretend that he's just a regular college student.

It always makes me wonder how it feels to live with different personalities like that. I mean, he isn't so different. His intelligence definitely is since I've seen how he works on those cases, but his sweet persona is still the same. He is a little more authoritative though at the office. We don't have to talk about when we're fucking. Unless you want my daydreams to write you a fucking ten-page paper.

His speeches are the same as well. He'll also still call out any misogynistic shit that comes out of someone's mouth which I'm glad wasn't a part of his act.

Still, though, imagine living double lives. He and Hannah Montana could relate, except she was playing concerts in secret while he's catching high-risk serial killers and criminals. Same thing, you know.

I try to reel myself from my wandering thoughts since it's now Saturday and I'm at my interview.

We already went through the process of me showing my clothes and Selma fucking Hudson asking me questions about my life!

She's the sweetest woman ever and also one of the prettiest. Age doesn't affect her at all. She's fifty now, a Scorpio, and I could tell you what she ate last night because that's how much I admire her.

"I must admit, these designs are much better than the ones I've seen from my usual interns. Kai didn't tell me that you had experience." She sets down my sketches.

"Oh, I don't. This is just stuff I do at home or sell on my own." I smile.

"I'm going to be honest, I have been looking for a designer who actually enjoys doing it for herself rather than making a trend, and you are an exquisite example of that. Your designs could of course use some work, but I guess that's the point of this. You have potential, honey."

I have to physically grab my thigh from it shaking the entire fucking room by what she could mean by that.

"Thank you." I smile.

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