Chapter 43: Beach

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Kai's POV

I quickly take my phone and call Rivers.

Ivy is still as confused as ever since I told her at all costs, do not look at the person beside us. He already saw me trying to see who he was. I can't have him targeting her with me.

"Sir, I was just about to call yo-."

"Why the hell is Johnathan next to my car!?" I cut him off angrily.

"That's what we were going to call you about. We're chasing him down right now after he escaped prison, but he's ahead of us. He must've recognized you while he was running since we're the ones who put him away."

And this is why I hate it when the FBI gets involved.

Johnathan was supposed to be dead the second we caught him here in France. It's what happens to most of the people we catch. Only, technically one FBI agency besides "us" that has an office here which everyone in the country knows about, decided that they wanted to get in on the case. And because we're "agents like them", we couldn't say no. It would raise too much suspicion that we only deal with our cases by ourselves, and the director believed it would help keep the secret alive.

So, when Johnathan was caught during his killing spree, we had to put him in jail instead of in a grave where he belonged after what he did to those people.

And now he's here.

Fucking amazing.

"He's driving into my car," I speak calmly while trying to slow down to lose him, though he follows my lead, slowing down as well.

Crazy is not even a word to describe the look in his eyes. He's purely out for revenge for the people who caught him, and the mere coincidence that one of the people who put him away happened to be next to him is giving him a thrill, along with a strong feeling of luck he probably hasn't felt since his last kill.

Ivy's eyes widen. "There's a fucking felon after you?!"

I remain calm, looking over at him cautiously and watching the smirk arise on his face.

He drifts the car toward me again which causes me to hit the brakes harder, my hand flying in front of Ivy since she's my main concern right now.

"Where the fuck are you?" I get mad now that I'm trying to speed back up because he's not going to quit. The engine roars, picking up the speed I'm demanding for it to in a few seconds.

It's early so there isn't much traffic, but there might be cars up ahead, and if he keeps driving as recklessly as he is right now, a lot of people could get seriously hurt.

"We're almost right behind you guys. It should only take us two minutes."

I hang up and immediately turn the steering wheel, switching into the lane on my left. He follows by going into the lane I was previously in.

"Kai-." I can hear the panic in Ivy's voice, more than the time she was with Leo.

"Everything's going to be fine, love," I promise her, meaning it because if I have to turn this entire car around and drive away from this even if it's against protocol, I will.

The worried look doesn't go away though and I know it won't no matter what I say.

She still nods, swallowing hard. Her hand is wrapped around my wrist that's in front of her body for safety precautions, gripping it as she looks back at Johnathan and then at the road.

"I need you to reach underneath your seat and hand me the gun from the side compartment," I demand.

She quickly gets it from underneath and slides it discreetly to me.

Worse for Love- Book #3 in the WF SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now