Chapter 28: Dreams

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Ivy's POV

I dropped Alaiya at Roman's house and then circled around Kai's apartment complex for a little bit.

Okay, so maybe I didn't fully drop Alaiya. I may or may not have tricked her into getting out of the car, but in my defense, it was an obvious trick. It's her fault her ass fell for it.

It was pretty funny though.

Now for the hard part.

"'re an okay person."

"Kai, you have...qualities that aren't...bad."

This isn't working.

Just do it! We only live once. If that's the case, then I should become an astronaut and go into space. I would never have to do this then.

No. No, Alaiya is facing her feelings so I have to too.

Every step I take closer to his apartment makes me sicker to my stomach. I know that the butterflies I'm feeling right now aren't the ones I've been denying, but the nervous ones.

I rapidly knock on the door.

He's not home. Damn. So upsetting. I should go to a concert.

As I'm about to walk away and forget this ever happened with maybe a drink or two, the door swings open.

Fuck. My. Life.

I snap my head around, praying it was somebody else.

It wasn't. Of course it wasn't. The world hates me!

"How the hell did you hear that!" I admittedly get mad at him for having good hearing.

"I have cameras that tell me if anyone's near my door."

Oh, right! He's an agent. Forgot about that.

He's wearing gray sweatpants. They look good. Decent. A little better than decent. Breathe, Ivy. Take an inhaler or a sedative.

I almost ask him what brand of camera he has just so I can avoid this conversation.

I don't, but it almost slips out.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." A beautiful woman with the most gorgeous chest hair walks out, her body covered in a T-shirt that connects to her hourglass figure so well and jeans that hug her beautiful legs seamlessly.

She's so pretty.

My heart starts beating out of my chest considering the reason I'm here.

I should've never let Alaiya convince me into doing this. I should've never allowed myself to get so involved with him.

"Who's this?" The woman asks when she looks back at me, a huge, gorgeous smile on her face.

I feel stupid. I hate everything and everyone. God, this is so fucking embarrassing!

"My girlfriend." He grins proudly, suddenly pulling me to his side with his arm around my waist.

He has to say that, Ivy. Remember, the only reason you were able to go on his case was because he told everyone you were in a relationship with him.

I calm my pulse down but don't deny the way my pathetic heart starts to feel calmer when his arm is around me.

"Oh, I wasn't aware Agent Hale had a girlfriend. It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too," I try to keep my voice even.

"Tori, there's a case." A guy pops up from inside, probably in his mid-fifties.

Worse for Love- Book #3 in the WF SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now